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Farfara in Herbal Medicine: Farfara Properties

Scientific name

Tussilago farfara




Europe, Asia

Used Parts

Drug consisting of leaves and flowers

Chemical constituents

  • mucilage;
  • Tannins;
  • Inulin;
  • Mineral salts;
  • Alkaloids.

Farfara in Herbal Medicine: Farfara Properties

Infusions and extracts of coltsfoot were used as a mucolytic remedy and a cough suppressant. Among the medicinal properties ascribable to coltsfoot we mention the antitussive, expectorant, bronchial fluidizing and mildly spasmolytic ones.

In cosmetics, coltsfoot extracts are known for their astringent, purifying, emollient and soothing properties; in popular tradition, coltsfoot juice was used against skin irritations, boils, erysipelas and eczema.


Coltsfoot contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids (senkirkina, tussilagina, senecionina) hepatotoxic in humans (responsible for veno-occlusive disease), experimental animals and livestock (some are carcinogenic in animals); furthermore, senkirkina, its main alkaloid, was mutagenic in several tests, and increased the growth of liver adenomas in rats. Coltsfoot should no longer be used for medicinal purposes.

Pharmacological Interactions

  • not used in therapy