
Speed ​​calculation

Formulas for speed calculation

See also: Speed ​​training

The calculation of the speed is carried out by dividing the distance by the time taken to cover it. In SI (International System of Units), speed is expressed in meters per second (m / som * sec-1), since distance and time are expressed in meters (m) and seconds (s) respectively.

Synthesizing it all into a formula, we would have that:

Speed ​​calculation (m / s) = Distance in meters / Time in seconds

Snapshot of an airplane passing the sound wall at a speed of about 340 m / s. How many km / h are you traveling?

The calculation of the speed is therefore a fairly simple operation; more "problems" can instead be encountered when expressing it with different units of measurement, for example when you are asked to convert from m / s to Km / h and vice versa. We arrive at the answer step by step.

Conversions m / s - Km / h

Keeping in mind that an hour equals 3600 seconds (60 minutes x 60 seconds each), walking at a constant speed of one meter per second runs 3600 meters (3.6 km) per hour. We can therefore state that:

1 m / s = 3.6 Km / h

Since this is a simple equation, to calculate a known velocity in Km / h in m / s we have to multiply it by 3.6. Conversely, to go from Km / ham / s the speed is divided by 3.6.

  • From m / s to km / h: let's multiply the speed by 3.6
  • From km / ham / s: we divide the speed by 3.6

If we want to know how many centimeters per minute equals a speed of 27 decimeters per hour, we must think in a similar way. We therefore have 27 decimeters equal to 270 centimeters, while an hour equals 60 minutes; therefore, 27 dm / h equals 4.5 cm / min (270/60).

Automatic speed calculation