
Melon, property of the Melon

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Melon Known for its imposing size, its orange color, its sweet taste and freshness: the melon, together with the watermelon, has become the emblem of summer
Melons: land of origin Probably, the melon originates from Asia, but Africa is also considered a plausible land of origin for many authors
Melons: diffusion Melon cultivation is widespread throughout the world

China is the world's largest melon producer

In Italy, 23, 000 hectares of land are destined for the cultivation of melons

Melons: soil requirements Melon is a rather demanding plant in terms of climate, soil and humidity → warm climate, deep and well drained soil, low humidity → very cultivated in greenhouses
Melon: botanical analysis Botanical name: Cucumis melo

Family: Curcubitaceae

Description: annual plant

Stem: creeping, able to branch and become a climber

Leaves: lobed, reniform and rounded

Roots: developed both in depth and on the surface

Fruit: peponide

Pulp: fleshy orange-yellow, juicy and very sweet

Peel: hard and massive epicarp

Internal (seeds): set in a spongy and fibrous mass

Melon: variety and types Fruit melons:
  • reticulated melons (or netted, with white or yellowish flesh)
  • inodorus type melons (winter melon, with white or pink flesh and smooth skin)
  • cantaloupe melons (with smooth pericarp and typically orange flesh)
Vegetable melons:
  • bitter melons ( momordica group), exploited for their medicinal properties
  • snake melons or tortarello, used in salads such as cucumbers
Winter melon Features:
  • typical of cold months
  • smooth and yellow pericarp
  • white and fleshy pulp
  • more delicate and less sweet taste compared to summer melons, but the preservation is definitely longer
Variety: Naples giant, Morettino melon, Malta melon
Preservation of melons and characteristics Storage: in the fridge, at a temperature not below 5 ° C

Unripe melons: storage at room temperature

Quality of the melon: to the touch it must not be soft, and must give off an intense and strong perfume from the skin

Melon: nutritional composition Kcal / 100 grams: 33

Water: thick> 90%

Sugars: 10-13%

Fibers, proteins, fats: <1%

Vitamins: A, C, PP, B1 and B2

Mineral salts: potassium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium

Melon: virtueFormerly:
  • Melon = harmful fruit, responsible for the death of some emperors
  • Melon = diminishes the genital seed
  • Strong antioxidant food
  • It stimulates the production of melanin, favoring tanning and protecting the skin from solar radiation
  • Important role in enhancing visual capacity
  • Help in strengthening teeth and bones
  • Excellent depurative, diuretic and refreshing
  • Suitable for treating burns and burns (soothing properties)
Ham and melonMakes the melons tastier

Makes the melons more digestible and less laxative