home fitness

Tapis Roulant

What's this

What is the treadmill?

Treadmill is the French name of a gymnastic equipment widely used in the fitness world, particularly in indoor training.

Consisting of a conveyor belt on which it is possible to walk (walk) without advancing in space, the treadmill is the equivalent of the exercise bike, the spin bike or the rollers for cyclists. Note : not everyone can run.

Did you know that ...

In Anglo-Saxon countries, the treadmill is called the "treadmill", while in Italy it is known as "ergometer", "sliding carpet" or more simply "carpet".

There are now many models of treadmills, designed for both home fitness and professional training - for example in gyms - which can be differentiated according to: technology and method of operation, design and materials, range and price . For this reason we have compiled a simple but complete guide to the purchase and use of the treadmill. Select the topic of your interest or continue reading the article.

What muscles and physical abilities do you train with the treadmill? What benefits can be obtained through the use of the treadmill? »Suitability for treadmill use. Treadmill or outdoor walk? Which clothing to choose for training with the treadmill? »Starting to walk and Start running» Training with a treadmill with competitive ambitions and Running on a treadmill »Training with a treadmill: losing weight and toning up» How to assess your fitness level »Training with a treadmill: importance of cool down and Supplements »Choice and prices»

How does it work

How does the treadmill work?

The modern treadmills offer a long series of technological solutions, capable of making the workouts safer, fun and effective.

The regulation of speed and slope allows modulating the effort made, adapting it to the individual abilities and to the progress made with the training. Moreover, almost all treadmills are equipped with a cushioning system capable of absorbing shocks and reducing the micro-traumas that the stroke can generate, especially when practiced on too hard ground with unsuitable footwear.

For some years now, many treadmills - even low-end ones - have a computerized interface, with which to monitor various parameters related to training. Among these, the most common are:

  • Distance traveled
  • Training time
  • Calories consumed
  • Speed
  • Slope
  • Heart rate.

Note : in the most advanced treadmill models, energy consumption is calculated specifically on the user and indicated in the display together with other data; in fact we know that the caloric consumption indicative of walking and running is closely related to the global metabolic commitment - given both by the body mass of the subject and by the movement.

TAPIS ROULAT RACE (1% inclination)
Energy expenditure (kcal) = 0.9 * km traveled * kg of body weight
Energy expenditure (kcal) = 0.45 - 0.50 per km traveled * kg of body weight

Among all, the race is the activity with the highest specific calorie consumption; in an hour of running, for example, much more energy is consumed than an hour of cycling.

The medium-high range treadmills also provide different preset training programs, during which the intensity of the effort varies according to preset protocols. Generally, such programs provide a short initial warm-up and final cool-down phase, separated by increases and decreases in slope and / or speed at pre-established time intervals. A classic example is the "Fartleck" workout.

Treadmill: heart rate management

Heart rate monitoring is the basis of the "HRC" program, available on medium-high quality treadmills. This function allows you to set the training so that the changes in speed and slope reflect the variations in heart rate, keeping it within a narrow range of values ​​set by the user based on the objectives that it intends to achieve.

To learn more: Training with the Heart Rate Monitor »

The maximum heart rate (HRmax), or the maximum number of pulsations that the heart is able to generate in a minute, can be established in two ways:

  1. With an aptitude test, difficult and, in some ways, risky to reproduce on untrained subjects
  2. With a formula, calculated empirically and almost always established by the treadmill computer based on previously entered data - specifically, in relation to the user's age.

In this regard there are various equations, among which the traditional formula of Karvonen (HRmax = 220-age) and that of Hirofumi Tanaka [FCmax = 208 - (0.7 x age)] stand out. These equations are exploited by the most advanced treadmills to warn the user - with a digital message or an audible warning - when the exercise heart rate is close to the maximum. Although a healthy heart is perfectly capable of managing a maximum effort, the dangers for people suffering from health problems, such as respiratory or cardiovascular problems, grow as we approach HRmax. The HRC function, therefore, gives the possibility to perform the training on your treadmill in total safety and reliability.

1very lightkeeping fit50-60%
2lightlose weight - burn fat60-70%
3moderateincrease endurance70-80%
4highprepare for a race80-90%
5maximalimprove anaerobic performance90-100%

Benefits and Benefits

Benefits of the treadmill

Many benefits are associated with the use of the treadmill. Above all it guarantees an improvement in aerobic resistance, with many positive aspects for health. These can be divided into psychological and physical; let's see some of them:

  • Nervous stress reduction
  • Improvement of cardio vascular and respiratory fitness
  • Improvement of muscle joint fitness, especially of the lower limbs
  • Prevention and therapy against obesity
  • Prevention and improvement of many metabolic pathologies
  • Prevention and improvement of many joint diseases
  • Increased tissue and heart oxygenation
  • Reduction of cardio vascular risks
  • Balance improvement
  • Improvement of body composition and potential weight loss
  • Increased expectation and quality of life.

Advantages of the treadmill

The advantages of the treadmill, compared to running and walking outdoors, are different:

  • Reduce rebound vibrations
  • Decreases the risk of falling
  • He has the option of interrupting the execution with an emergency button in case of illness
  • It is equipped with a handle to maintain balance
  • It is not affected by the climate - rain, wind, snow, etc.
  • Avoid traffic accidents
  • Saves time.
To learn more: What benefits can be obtained through the use of the treadmill? »

Contraindications of the treadmill

However, the use of treadmills is not particularly characterized by contraindications. It is different for the race itself, of any type, not recommended for:

  • Obese or overweight people
  • Serious cardiopaths
  • Patients with high cardiovascular risk, including cerebral risk
  • Those suffering from low back pain, other types of back pain - especially chronic diseases of the spine - and intense cervical pains
  • Subjects with impaired hip, knee or ankle - almost always even those who have undergone joint replacement implants
  • Those who experience problems with balance.

Disadvantages of the treadmill

The main drawback of treadmill use is boredom. Indoor sessions are generally characterized by the surrounding walls and the low socialization capacity.

Second but not less important for athletes, the poor similarity with the specific athletic gesture. It may seem strange, but running on a conveyor belt is not the same as running actively.

Physical Requirements

Physical requirements for the use of treadmills

The requirements for the use of treadmills are those of sound and robust constitution. Obviously there must be no major cardio-vascular, respiratory and joint problems; it is also not recommended for people who are heavily overweight or underweight.

Even for those who use the treadmill in the home, it is highly recommended to have a medical examination.

To learn more: Eligibility for the use of treadmills »

Clothing and Accessories

How to dress for treadmill?

There are fewer clothing restrictions for practicing treadmills. It is sufficient that it allows a certain freedom in the movements and that allows the sweat to evaporate correctly; it is not necessary that they have a high thermal resistance, since the treadmill is performed indoors.

It is different with regards to footwear. Although some treadmills are equipped with a cushion system, it is still essential to provide yourself with the right running or walking shoes; in this sense it is advisable to contact a competent dealer.

To learn more: Which clothing should you choose to train with the treadmill? »

Work out

How do you train with the treadmill?

To train correctly with the treadmill it is necessary to comply with the basic and universal training criteria. In summary:

  1. For newbies
    1. Start calmly, starting from slow to level walking - to also improve balance on the belt - passing on the sloping path, up to the fast sloping path
    2. Then insert short stretches of light running on the flat, lasting one or a few minutes, alternating with another walk; proceeding with the weeks, increase the running volume at the expense of walking. Finally, act on speed and / or slope
    3. Manage the training load by changing the number of weekly training sessions, duration and intensity
  2. For those who already run
    1. However, start progressively to train the balance on the mat
    2. Switch to a long run for at least 40-50 minutes
    3. Enter the intensity variable, which can include entire workouts in the anaerobic threshold, above-threshold or repeated rhythm changes close to the maximum oxygen consumption
    4. To avoid increasing the speed too much, it is advisable to act on the slope

Let us not forget the importance of proper muscle warming and appropriate metabolic activation before undertaking high intensity tables. At the end of the session, it is also advisable to perform several minutes of cool down.

Attitude tests on the treadmill

The treadmill is one of the most used devices for aptitude tests. It allows the physiological parameters of the athletes to be closely and carefully monitored, especially their fluctuation with increasing work intensity.

The two most used tests are:

  • Cooper test
  • Test of the two km of Oja and Laukkanen on the treadmill.

To identify the anaerobic threshold, the Conconi test is also widespread.

To learn more: Start walking and Running »To learn more: Training with the treadmill with competitive ambitions» To learn more: How to Evaluate Your Physical Fitness Level »To learn more: Training with the treadmill: importance of cool down»

Lose weight

Lose weight with the treadmill

Weight loss is perhaps the most widespread application of this machine. Let's start by pointing out that, in itself, walking and running - regardless if outdoors or on the treadmill - don't make you lose weight; they can have a significant impact only if the diet is well thought out.

That said, it is undeniable that the large leg muscles have - if well trained - an excellent aptitude for fat oxidation. What's more, walking and running you reach very high levels of energy consumption. The combination of these two variables certainly makes it possible to optimize a possible slimming protocol, consisting of both nutritional therapy and specific motor activity.

Note : however, we must not forget that sport drastically increases appetite; by exaggerating with the movement you can run the risk of eating in abundance, nullifying all the work done.

To learn more: Work out with the treadmill: lose weight and tone up »

Treadmills and supplements

Being used in a controlled environment, away from harsh winter cold but also from the hot summer heat, the treadmill allows you to optimize the physical resources of those who use it in every season.

Nevertheless, even given the individual predispositions, any motor activity - above all intense and prolonged - increases sweating and the expulsion of water vapor with breathing. The expelled water drags away large quantities of minerals, especially sodium, potassium and magnesium. It is therefore no coincidence that athletes often suffer from salt deficiencies, with particular reference to magnesium and potassium - sodium can become deficient only in diets without discretionary salt and previously salted foods.

Furthermore, with the increase of cellular processes - which in the busy sportsmen skyrocket - also increases the need for coenzyme and antioxidant nutrients. Among these, vitamins and certain minerals stand out above all.

This explains why, respecting a training protocol of significant intensity and volume, it is always advisable to integrate - even mildly - the diet with mineral-based products and vitamins.

To learn more: Supplements and treadmills »


Types of treadmills

The treadmills can be classified according to numerous criteria, for example: technological level (presence or absence of the computer, applications, etc.), functions (training programs, possibility of inclination and declination, etc.), overall dimensions (folding, etc.), operation ( electric / electronic, magnetic, muscular propulsion etc), materials and resistance, brand, price and range.

How to choose the treadmill

Needless to say, the first criterion considered by consumers is price. However, this choice does not always prove successful. In fact, low-alloy treadmills are often made up of poor quality materials and have a non-resistant structure - instead necessary especially for those who suffer from overweight. Moreover, sometimes they do not have the possibility to tilt or decline the carpet, and they do not have an electronic interface - or even if they do, it is of poor reliability.

These characteristics do not lend themselves to a neophyte who must follow a slimming or curative therapy on metabolic or preventive / therapeutic diseases on articular discomforts - the difficulty in managing the machinery can discourage the user - or a good sportsman - from On the other hand, it needs advanced functions, such as greater speed, inclinations, programs, interaction with heart rate, etc.

Even "spending as much as possible" is not a correct attitude, because it does not necessarily ensure a greater total quality or the adequacy of the product. The choice of a good compromise is always the ideal solution. In the era of e-commerce you can make excellent purchases, even with a certain accuracy and good guarantees.

To learn more: Choice and Prices »