
Iron in pregnancy

Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a disease caused by iron deficiency in the body, which occurs very often in pregnancy. If one complains of tiredness, tachycardia, decreased concentration and pallor, most likely one is faced with a state of anemia, whose symptoms are determined, beyond the iron deficiency in itself, by the poor oxygenation of the tissues. In fact, iron represents a fundamental mineral for the synthesis of hemoglobin, implicated in cellular respiration and in the metabolism of nucleic acids.

Iron requirement

During the state of maternity, with particular reference to the last months of gestation, the need for iron increases, above all, due to the substantial dilution of the blood and the increased metabolic demand associated with the state of pregnancy. On average, an adult needs 10-15 mg / day of iron, while a pregnant woman needs at least 30 mg / day of iron.

Choice of foods during pregnancy

As is known, during pregnancy it is necessary to choose foods with greater care, to protect the health of the woman and in particular of the child; for example, knowing that red meat, especially raw, is an excellent source of iron, the woman should avoid consuming this food in the raw state, being probable source of microorganisms that could harm the baby, causing serious illnesses (such as toxoplasmosis). Among the foods to avoid, in addition to raw red meat, we recall raw eggs, soft cheeses with crust and mold, raw fish and unpasteurized raw milk from distributors. Furthermore, you should avoid eating too much fish, especially if it is large, due to the risk of accumulating heavy metals, such as mercury, which can cause serious damage to the health of the child.

Iron and Vit. B9

Although the pregnant woman usually pays great attention to following a correct diet, iron supplementation is still recommended, perhaps associating it with lactoferrin to promote absorption; lactoferrin, in fact, binds and transports iron to the intestine and by binding to enterocytes facilitates entry into the systemic circulation.

It is known that during pregnancy, folic acid supplementation is essential for the development of the child: folic acid (vitamin B9) is a coenzyme responsible for many cellular reactions and - since it is not synthesized by our body (even if a small amount is produced by the intestinal bacterial flora) - it must be taken regularly with the diet. Considering that folic acid can correct anemia during pregnancy, studies have been conducted on the iron-folic acid connection, to see if folic acid intake can somehow increase the availability of the mineral. In this regard, it was noted that the combined intake of iron and vitamin B9 improves blood parameters, correcting iron deficiency; to consider, however, that the combined integration of folic acid, lactoferrin and iron seems to be even more effective.

Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency in pregnancy is not a factor to be underestimated, as the child could go against many problems: it could be born before the established term, could be underweight at birth or incur a greater risk of iron deficiency in the first months of life; may have a neurological and behavioral deficit in school age and be more prone to develop cardiovascular disease. From here it is clear how important is the iron intake for the mother throughout pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester, when the body's demand for iron increases significantly.

If a decrease in iron can cause serious consequences, moderate supplementation is practically risk-free and absolutely advisable to favor its deposition in the unborn child and in the mother. This integration serves both for pregnancy and for the post-partum period.

Food pairing

Beyond the specific iron supplementation, pregnant women should also be advised to combine food correctly, in order to promote maximum iron absorption: it is not enough, therefore, to often eat foods such as whole grains, lean meat, fish, shellfish, nuts and green vegetables; the bioavailability of iron is in fact increased if the foods that contain it are taken together with sources of ascorbic acid: vitamin C is very present in nature, especially in vegetables and fresh fruit. Vitamin C, in addition to making iron more bioavailable, has excellent antioxidant properties, which protect the body from the attack of free radicals.

There are foods that hinder the absorption of iron: for this reason, the excess of tea, rich in tannins, and whole grains, rich in phytic acid, is not recommended.

Iron supplementation: risks

If suggesting the integration of iron in pregnancy is an excellent advice, it is not always easy to put it into practice: in fact, the adverse effects attributable to the integration of iron are certainly not pleasant, so much so that women are sometimes forced to interrupt the taking the supplement. Among the most common disorders that can result from iron supplementation there is a consistent gastric irritability, which can cause not only cramps and nausea, but also vomiting. On the intestinal level, the woman can instead complain of constipation, diarrhea, pain and changes in the bacterial population (dysbiosis).

Tradition teaches

In ancient times, to try to combat anemia, buckwheat honey was used, which boasts remineralizing and restorative properties.

Particular was the technique of "apple and nails", recommended to women immediately after pregnancy to avoid anemia: the practice consisted in inserting five long nails in an apple for two hours; after the necessary time had passed, the nails were removed and the apple was eaten. This is because the apple, being rich in humidity, is able to oxidize the iron; in this way the fruit is enriched with this mineral, even if in a slightly bioavailable form.