
Manganese in brief: summary scheme

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Manganese and medicine 1774 → discovery of manganese

Manganese began to be used in medicine only in the first decade of the twentieth century

Manganese: general information
  • Chemical symbol in the periodic table: Mn
  • Atomic number: 25
  • Essential element in every animal species
  • Involved in many enzymatic processes
  • Activator of numerous enzymes
  • One of the most abundant trace elements in the soil
  • Main forms: MnO 2 and MnCO 3
  • Oxidation states: between +1 and +7
  • Gray-white metal, hard, brittle and easily oxidizable
Manganese and enzymes
  • Superoxide-dismutase → antiradicalic co-factor
  • It is able to activate the enzyme arginase → nitrogen metabolism
  • Involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA → cofactor of DNA-synthetase and RNA-synthetase
  • Activates pyruvate-carboxylase → gluconeogenesis
Manganese and biological role Manganese actively participates in numerous biological mechanisms:
  • coagulation
  • thyroid activity
  • fertility: manganese deficiency could trigger a decrease in fertility
  • immune system: promotion of the synthesis of some antibodies
  • cholesterol
  • glycemia
  • bone formation: manganese deficiency in pregnant women could generate bone deformities in the unborn child
  • positive feedback for the prophylaxis of some diseases: epilepsy, neurological deficits, diabetes mellitus, growth retardation, ulcers, renal failure, infarction (in particular of the myocardium)
Manganese: fields of application Manganese:
  • It is essential for the production of steel and iron → deoxygenated, binding and exfoliating properties
  • Participates in aluminum, copper, titanium and stainless steel alloys
  • It is used for glass discoloration
  • It forms a brown pigment, used for natural lands or paints
  • The potassium permanganate KMnO 4 is used as a disinfectant
  • It is used in water purification and odor control
  • Become part of the formulation of numerous agricultural fungicides
  • Useful for the production of dry → depolarizing batteries
Manganese deficiency symptoms
  1. Manganese deficiency in animals: sterility, testicular atrophy, growth block, ataxia, symptoms comparable to multiple sclerosis, pancreatic deficits and asthenia.
  2. Human deficiency: less severe symptoms → myasthenia gravis, ataxia, damage to the reproductive system, growth retardation, alteration of fat and carbohydrate metabolism with diabetes and hypercholestrolemia
Manganese toxicity
  • Chronic manganese poisoning → following prolonged exposure to manganese fumes / dust (problem for miners and metalworkers)
  • Damage: involves CNS → possible permanent damage
  • Manganese madness: hallucinations, tendency to violence, irritability
  • Other symptoms of poisoning: weakness, leg cramps, drowsiness, paralysis, languor, impotence, emotional disturbances and irritability.
  • manganese is included in the list of toxic and dangerous substances, prepared by OSHA
Manganese and dosages Minimum daily requirement: 0.74 mg / day

RDA: 2-4 mg

Elimination of manganese: bile duct

Manganese source foods
  • Tea 133 mg
  • Ginger 33.3 mg
  • Cloves 30 mg
  • Saffron 28.4 mg
  • Mint (dried drug) 11.4 mg
Manganese: interactions
  • Iron, calcium and phosphorus can limit the absorption of manganese
  • Hypertension: reduces the absorption of manganese
  • Contraceptive pill: reduces the absorption of manganese