
Breathing and Stress


The relationship between breathing and stress has been known for a very long time. In particular, in eastern cultures there are different breathing techniques used to calm the body and the spirit.

Buddhist philosophy is the classic example of this relationship, where breath control is the basis of the meditation that characterizes it.

However, currently, there are many and varied methods available to control breathing in order to counteract stress and restore calm.

In this article we will briefly describe one of these very useful breathing techniques to get quick relief from stress.

The Technique

Born as an attempt to counter the effects of asthma on breathing, this breathing technique is used to bring rapid stress relief. When an asthmatic has the feeling of not receiving enough oxygen, try to breathe more deeply. But inhaling more deeply does not work because the irritated and swollen respiratory tissues block the carbon dioxide that is normally exhaled.

Carbon dioxide is trapped and the amount of oxygen that can be released into the lungs is reduced breath by breath. The asthmatic gets very tired, his mind becomes blurred and becomes more and more irritable and scared, as he remains without the most important food for life.

When we are stressed, we often choose - consciously or unconsciously - a restrictive breathing pattern that increases the carbon dioxide level in our body and makes us feel less present and reactive.

This breathing technique changes this pattern, using the vacuum created first inside the lungs, immediately after exhalation to bring the necessary oxygen to the body and help repair the irritated tissues.



This is a two-step two-step procedure. The mouth remains open during the entire process. Each breath is connected, that is, each breath follows the next and every inhalation and exhalation follow one another immediately.

The exercise will not work if you stop at any time.

  • Quickly breathe in as fully as you can, as if you were pleasantly surprised!
  • Quickly release the breath by suddenly ejecting it straight in front of you, as if you were throwing a dart across the room.
  • Immediately inhale deeply and fully, first expanding the abdomen and then up towards the rib cage.
  • With the mouth still open, relax the body and let out the exhalation.
  • Repeat as necessary.

If you have performed breathing correctly, you will feel a sensation of "gaiety" filling your tissues around your eyes and forehead.

Your Breath will be lighter and your mind will probably have a new and more joyful perspective.

Abdominal breathing