
FITOSTIMOLINE ® Triticum vulgare + Phenoxyethanol

FITOSTIMOLINE ® is a drug based on aqueous extract of Triticum vulgare and Phenoxyethanol

THERAPEUTIC GROUP: Healing and disinfectants

IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects

Indications FITOSTIMOLINE ® Triticum vulgare + Phenoxyethanol

FITOSTIMOLINE ® is indicated for the treatment of ulcers and bedsores in order to facilitate healing.

Action mechanism FITOSTIMOLINE ® Triticum vulgare + Phenoxyethanol

FITOSTIMOLINE ® is a drug that combines two different active ingredients, the aqueous extract of Triticum vulgare and Phenoxitanol, respectively with healing and antiseptic activity.

More precisely, the aqueous extract of Triticum vulgare, obtained precisely from wheat germ, thanks to its particular consistency, characterized by the presence of starches, phospholipids and glycolipids, is able to create a film on the skin surface useful to avoid loss of liquids and at the same time to recall fibroblastic cells responsible for the synthesis of collagen fibers, responsible for the healing process.

Phenoxyethanol, on the other hand, is able to bind the wall of bacteria by altering their normal structure and thus compromising normal vital and reproductive capacities, thus fulfilling an understood antiseptic activity.

Studies carried out and clinical efficacy


G Batteriol Virol Immunol. 1978 Jul-Dec; 71 (7-12): 176-80.

Very dated study that evaluates the molecular action mechanism of Fitostimoline, describing the ability of this product to increase the levels of protein synthesis and gene transcription in fibroblasts and lymphocytes.


Dermatol Res Practice. 2011; 2011: 978291. doi: 10.1155 / 2011/978291. Epub 2011 Apr 4.

Italian work which demonstrates the greater efficacy of Fitostmoline in improving the symptoms and extent of lesions in patients with superficial second-degree burns, compared to other drugs such as those based on catalase.


Contact Dermatitis. 2005 Oct; 53 (4): 241.

Case report Italian that reports the appearance of adverse reactions, and in particular of a contact allergy, to Fitostimoline in gauze.

Subsequent evaluations have identified the potential allergen in phenoxyethanol.

Method of use and dosage


Topical cream with 15 g of aqueous extract of Triticum vulgare and 1 g of phenoxyethanol per 100 g of product.

Gauzes impregnated with 15% aqueous extract of Triticum vulgare and 1% phenoxyethanol.

Generally it is recommended to apply the appropriate amount of cream directly on the affected region about twice a day, taking care to gently massage the area in order to optimize its absorption, placing a sterile gauze on it.

Also for the gauze we recommend one or two applications a day, taking care to gently apply the same on the cleaned and disinfected region.

Warnings FITOSTIMOLINE ® Triticum vulgare + Phenoxyethanol

Before undertaking the use of FITOSTIMOLINE ® it would be preferable to consult your doctor in order to adequately assess the extent of the lesion and the related therapeutic measures to be taken.

Topical use of FITOSTIMOLINE ®, above all on large cutaneous regions or for particularly long times, could determine the onset of local adverse reactions or serious hypersensitivity reactions.

It is recommended to store the drug in a cool, dry place and out of reach of children.


It would be preferable to limit the use of FITOSTIMOLINE ®, during pregnancy and in the subsequent period of breastfeeding, only in cases of real need and under the strict supervision of your doctor.


It is recommended to avoid contextual use of other drugs topically

Contraindications FITOSTIMOLINE ® Triticum vulgare + Phenoxyethanol

The use of FITOSTIMOLINE ® is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to the active ingredient or to one of its excipients.

Undesirable effects - Side effects

FITOSTIMOLINE ® is generally safe and well tolerated.

Only rarely have local adverse reactions been observed, generally characterized by irritation and burning of the affected skin region.


FITOSTIMOLINE ® is a drug not subject to mandatory medical prescription.