
METOCAL ® - Calcium carbonate

METOCAL ® is a calcium carbonate based drug

THERAPEUTIC GROUP: Mineral supplement: calcium carbonate

IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects

Indications METOCAL ® - Calcium carbonate

METOCAL ® is a calcium carbonate based drug used in the prevention and treatment of deficiencies of this element and related diseases.

Mechanism of action METOCAL ® - Calcium carbonate

Calcium is a fundamental element for the correct functioning of the human organism, falling within the control of bone metabolism, the regulation of cellular energy functions, the modulation of nerve transmission, the modulation of enzymatic activity and cellular transport.

Safeguarding the correct content of this element therefore becomes important in the prevention of different pathological conditions such as osteoporosis, neurodegenerative and immune diseases.

METOCAL ® contributes to maintaining this balance by representing an important source of calcium carbonate, which, taken orally, can effectively be absorbed at the intestinal level and made available for the various needs of the body.

The excess portion not used is then eliminated through feces, urine and in small part with sweat.

Studies carried out and clinical efficacy


Interesting experimental study that demonstrates how calcium supplementation can prevent the onset of diseases such as the metabolic syndrome in future unborn children. This effect appears to be partly justified by the insulin-sensitizing role of calcium.


Work that demonstrates the futility of calcium in preventing lead blood poisoning, very common in Nigerian children, and often the cause of poisoning and death.


Clinical trial that belies the efficacy of calcium supplementation in the treatment of metabolic disorders present in obese patients. Supplementation with 1 g of calcium per day guaranteed the same improvements observed through the implementation of a low-calorie diet.

Method of use and dosage


1250 mg calcium carbonate chewable tablets equal to 500 mg of calcium:

the treatment of calcium deficiency syndromes should be treated by taking two METOCAL ® tablets per day.

In any case, the therapeutic scheme should also be established by your doctor based on the actual needs of the patient.

Warnings METOCAL ® - Calcium carbonate

Patients with reduced kidney function should pay particular attention to taking METOCAL ® or any other calcium-based medication due to the increased risk of developing hypercalcaemia.

Therefore the doctor should periodically monitor blood calcium concentrations, to ascertain the effectiveness of the therapy and the possible presence of side effects .


The use of METOCAL ® could be recommended during pregnancy and lactation to make up for the increased need for calcium that is observed in these periods.

However, it is necessary that the entire duration of the treatment is supervised by your gynecologist, in order to avoid the appearance of possible adverse reactions.


The patient should pay particular attention to the simultaneous intake of:

  • Vitamin D and analogues, capable of appreciably varying the absorption and metabolic fate of calcium carbonate;
  • Antibiotics and tetracyclines, given the potential changes in terms of their bioavailability when taken together with calcium;
  • Digital and related drugs, due to the increased incidence of cardiac rhythm disorders.

Contraindications METOCAL ® - Calcium carbonate

The use of METOCAL ® is contraindicated in cases of hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, nephrolithiasis, renal insufficiency and hypersensitivity to the active substance or to one of its excipients.

Undesirable effects - Side effects

METOCAL ® therapy proved to be very well tolerated and free of clinically evident side effects, when performed according to the appropriate medical indications.

Prolonged intake over time or at particularly high doses may be responsible for

vomiting, constipation, cramping abdominal pains, polyuria, polydipsia, vasomotor disorders and heart rhythm.


METOCAL ® is a medicine that can be sold under a doctor's prescription