
Squat: from sex to childbirth

That of the squat is an absolutely natural position, especially for children in the first three years of life. On the other hand, adults who suffer from limited joint movement (hip, ankles, knees) or do not enjoy good muscle elasticity are unlikely to find themselves at ease in this position. However, as we will see below, the posture of the squat is continuously used by humans for the most disparate reasons.

For example, it is often adopted as an alternative sexual position to the "cowgirl"; some call it "frog squat", or frog squat, and from the motor point of view it engages almost exclusively the female (while the male is in supine position).

It is also the ideal posture for females during urination; these, if not seated on a toilet, have a considerable difficulty in modulating the flow of urine, instead optimal in a squatting position; sometimes, the squat is exercised on the toilet bowl to avoid contact between the skin and the impurities of the public toilets.

Similarly, the squat is used by people (including males) at the time of defecation. It often happens outdoors, but also in public baths in a similar way to what was said in the previous paragraph. From the eastern world, (Turkish) latrines were designed precisely to facilitate this process.

The squat is also a yoga asana. This position is called "Upaves? Sana" and takes place with the heels resting on the floor at shoulder width, the torso protruding between the legs and the elbows placed between the thighs.

Finally, the squat is considered by many experts to be an ideal posture for natural childbirth. Many rudimentary peoples still use it, since in this way it is possible to increase the pressure of the pelvic cavity facilitating the expulsion of the child.