human health

Short Frenulo

Definition of frenulum

Before proceeding with the discussion concerning the short frenulum, it is necessary to analyze what the frenulum is.

In the medical field, the frenulum of the penis means that thin tissue lamina that connects the glans to the foreskin, a particularly sensitive erogenous zone when stimulated, because it is richly vascularized and has many nerve pleasure receptors. Following repeated sexual intercourse, an inevitable mechanical stress of the frenulum occurs, a particularly delicate area, therefore sensitive to micro lacerations and small cuts which, over time, create pain and damage.


As the term itself anticipates, the short frenulum is an anatomical feature in which the frenulum of the glans appears shorter than the norm: this condition could cause dyspareunia (pain during intercourse) and discomfort during erection, with consequent difficulty in maintaining it . So much so that some patients presenting this anatomical characteristic complain of acute pain during penetration: the frenulum, being short, makes it difficult to uncover the glans because the normal sliding of the foreskin is hindered. Moreover, in similar situations, the probability of a spontaneous laceration of the frenulum itself increases, resulting in bleeding, caused above all by rubbing with the vaginal walls.

With a frenulum that is too short, the condition can degenerate, thus causing a real bowing of the glans downwards.

Some patients who have a clearly short frenulum tend to complain of premature ejaculation.

In other patients, the short frenulum is the consequence of microtraumas repeated during the sexual act, responsible for retraent scarring at preputial level: the effect is the shortening of the frenulum [taken from //].


The problem of the short frenulum scares many men, because it could create considerable discomfort and psychological disorders, especially in the sexual sphere: the patient will have to undergo an andrological check, following which he will be able to solve the annoying problem by corrective actions called frenulotomy or frenuloplasty .

  • Frenulotomy: surgery that consists mainly of severing the frenulum of the foreskin; after which the incision margins are sutured to remedy the problem of the short frenulum (the frenulum is lengthened). Generally, the operation is performed in a day-hospital, using local anesthesia: the operation is of short duration. Following the frenulotomy, the patient may perceive an annoying sensation on the genital level, pain and bleeding; less frequent cases of hematoma and infections. Some patients also complain of a modulation of sensations during intimacy with the partner. Abstention from relationships is essential for about a month, to allow the genital organ to fully regain its functionality.
  • Frenuloplasty: another type of intervention aimed at solving the short frenulum. In this case, the frenulum incision is transverse and the stitches are applied longitudinally: in this way, the penis appears to be more elongated. In such an intervention, not dangerous when all the hygienic-sanitary conditions are respected, the side effects are minimal; the lengthening of the frenulum lasts less than 30 minutes and the patient is anesthetized only in situ with an anesthetizing ointment.

Thanks to these simple interventions, the patient completely regains the functionality of the member and heals completely: therefore, the frenulum returns to normal size.

Short frenulo: in short


Short frenulo

Description of "frenulum"

Penis frenulum: thin tissue lamina connecting the glans to the foreskin, a particularly sensitive erogenous zone when stimulated

Short frenulo

Anatomic feature in which the frenulum of the glans appears shorter than the norm

Main causal factor

  • Repeated micro-cracks during sexual intercourse
  • Retracted cicatricial lesions at the level of the foreskin

Short frenzy and complications

  • Discomfort during erection
  • Difficulty in maintaining an erection
  • Sexual act → rubbing with the vaginal walls of the partner → spontaneous laceration of the frenulum → pain → bleeding
  • Premature ejaculation

Treatments to remedy the short frenulum

Frenulotomy: surgery that consists mainly of severing the frenulum of the foreskin. Frenulum incision → margins suture → frenulum lengthening

Frenuloplasty: the frenulum incision is transverse and the sutures are applied longitudinally: in this way, also the penis is (apparently) more elongated