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Obesity Android and Ginoid Obesity

Meaning of Android and Ginoid

In 1950 Jean Vague introduced the distinction between android obesity and ginoid obesity, noting that the former was associated with a greater risk of hypercholesterolemia, hyperuricemia, hypertension and reduced tolerance to carbohydrates.

In addition to being quantitative (excess fat mass), obesity must therefore also be investigated from a qualitative point of view.

Already in physiological conditions, male and female are distinguished by a different distribution of the adipose mass. Body shapes are in fact linked to the relationship between male (androgenic) and female (estrogen) sex hormones. This phenomenon becomes evident in the postmenopausal period, in which, due to the decrease in estrogenic levels, there is a redistribution of body fat.

In pathological conditions these differences can be exacerbated, giving rise to the two main types of obesity: android (or apple), typical of man, and gynoid (a pear), typical of women.

Obesity Android

Also known as central, visceral, truncular or "apple": typically male, it is associated with a greater distribution of adipose tissue in the abdominal, thoracic, dorsal and cerviconucal region.

The android obesity is also associated with a high deposition of fat in the intravisceral area (abdominal or internal).

Ginoid obesity

Also called peripheral, subcutaneous or "pear": typically feminine, it is characterized by a distribution of adipose masses in the lower half of the abdomen, in the gluteal regions and in the femoral ones. In ginoid obesity fat is present above all in the subcutaneous compartment, with a consequent high ratio between superficial and deep fat.


  • the most dangerous obesity, as far as cardiovascular and metabolic complications are concerned, is that of the android, whether it occurs in men or in women.
  • the two forms of obesity are typical, but not exclusive of the two sexes; in fact, the cases of men with gynoid morphotype and of women with android morphotype are not rare.

Waist circumference and WHR

To assess the type of obesity that is being observed, it is sufficient to measure the circumference of the waist at its narrowest point (without wearing clothing that offsets the measurement).

High disease risk (android obesity)
ManWaist circumference> 101.6 cm
WomanWaist circumference> 88.9 cm

A more objective datum is obtained by calculating the ratio between the circumference measured at the umbilical level (waist) and gluteus (hips). This report, called WHR (from the Ingelese Waist to Hip ratio ), relies on the following values:

  • we talk about android obesity when the WHR ratio is greater than 0.85
  • we speak of gynoid obesity when the WHR ratio is less than 0.79.

In any case, the waist / hip ratio should be less than 0.95 for men and 0.8 for women. Patients who exceed these values ​​are considered at high risk for medical problems related to obesity.

Similar to BMI or BMI, the WHR is also an approximate indicator, since it does not take into account the relationship between muscle mass present in the gluteal region and in the abdominal region.

Relative risk of death from coronary artery disease Waist circumference (umbilical region)
Men (cm)Women (Cm)
Normal<94 <80
Moderate Risk 95-102 80-88
High risk > 102 > 88

Android obesity and health

To learn more: Visceral fat

Android obesity is frequently associated with type II diabetes, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease and hyperuricemia. All these conditions are often grouped together in the term "plurimetabolic syndrome" and represent a serious risk for the patient's health.

Omental adipocytes (visceral adipose cells) are greater in android obesity; in the gynoid subcutaneous fat accumulation prevails instead.

Experimental investigations have shown that visceral or internal adipocytes are more sensitive to the lipolytic ("slimming") activity of some hormones (catecholamines). Those who suffer from android obesity are therefore more fortunate on the one hand, since visceral fat tends to be disposed of more quickly than the subcutaneous one, and more unlucky on the other, since too high an intake of fatty acids into the blood leads to negative consequences for the whole body.

When the adipose and non-adipocyte molecules (the adipocytes also release hormones and substances with a pro-inflammatory action) coming from the visceral fat metabolism they reach the liver, "flood" it and alter its functioning. The modification of hepatic metabolism causes alterations of many blood values ​​and facilitates the onset of hyperinsulinism / insulin resistance (type II diabetes) and cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, dyslipidemia, myocardial infarction).

At the origin of android obesity there are several constitutional factors (genetic, hormonal) and environmental (alcohol abuse). Research has shown that even in people with normal weight and overweight there can be important accumulations of fat around the internal organs. Even apparently lean individuals may therefore be exposed to an increased risk for all diseases traditionally associated with android obesity.

Visceral fat can be lost through exercise

Physical activity has proved to be among the most effective strategies to promote the redistribution of body fat and the loss of that located in the intra-abdominal area. It should be emphasized that when starting a weight-loss program based on regular exercise, fat loss could be counterbalanced by muscle hypertrophy. Consequently the weight of the obese subject could remain constant.

Unlike the visceral one, the subcutaneous fat, more abundant in the gynoid obesity, offers greater resistance to the lipolytic effects of slimming therapies (pharmacological, dietetic, behavioral, sports etc.).