
YMCA bench press test

The goal of the YMCA bench press test is to assess the strength and endurance of the elbow extensor muscles and the flexor and adductor muscles of the shoulder.


  • flat bench, barbell and cast iron discs
  • assistant
  • metronome set at 60 bpm


Load the bar evenly and secure the discs with the appropriate safety clips.

The total weight of the rod plus the additional load must be equal to 36kg for men and 16kg for women.

Lie on your back on the bench, your eyes fix the bar, your hands hold the barbell at a distance slightly greater than shoulder width.

Back, trunk, pelvis and head must remain resting on the bench during the entire duration of the test while the feet must remain resting on the ground.

Push the bar upwards until the arms are fully extended and lower it in a controlled manner until it touches the chest at the level of the nipples. Exhaling, push the bar upwards and return it to its initial location. Everything must be done respecting the rhythm imposed by the metronome.

The test continues until the subject is no longer able to respect the rhythm given by the metronome

The assistant's task is to note the number of repetitions performed.


The analysis of the YMCA BENCH PRESS TEST results allows to establish the strength of the extensor muscles of the elbow and of the flexor and adductor muscles of the shoulder. If referred to previous tests, it is able to give an estimate of improvements or deterioration in performance.

To estimate your fitness level, enter the gender, age, number of repetitions performed in the following table and click on the "Calculate" button