
White patina on the tongue - Causes and Symptoms


The appearance of a white patina on the tongue can be attributed to various conditions and pathologies.

This symptom can be seen during feverish conditions and diseases that lead to breathing with an open mouth, such as colds and parainfluenza syndromes. In such contexts, the superficial cells of the lingual mucosa flake, depositing on the back and making the tongue appear dry and covered with a thin whitish layer.

Even a physiological lack of saliva within the oral cavity can produce this manifestation.

The presence of a white patina with a consistency similar to that of ricotta is, on the other hand, a symptom of thrush (or oral candidiasis), an infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans . This condition can be favored by the weakening of the immune system due to fatigue, stress or debilitating cures (prolonged use of cortisone, radiotherapy and chemotherapy).

The white patina on the tongue may also indicate poor oral hygiene.

Possible Causes * of white Patina on the tongue

  • Night apnea
  • Candida
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Influence
  • Parainfluenza syndromes