Category liver health

Colaluria - Causes and Symptoms
liver health

Colaluria - Causes and Symptoms

Definition Colaluria indicates the presence of bile salts in the urine. This symptom typically manifests as an obstruction of the biliary tract. When the outflow of bile is hindered, in fact, these substances accumulate in the blood (colalemia); consequently, they are excreted in the urine. The main diseases that cause cholaluria are gallbladder stones and cholecystitis

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liver health


What is ittero? Jaundice refers to the yellowish and uniform coloration that the skin, sclerae and other tissues take in response to a pathological increase in the blood values ​​of bilirubin , with consequent accumulation of the substance locally. Similar symptoms, but less obvious and mostly localized to the frenulum of the tongue and to the ocular scleras, are also found in the presence of sub-jaundice (considered the antechamber of the true jaundice). In
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liver health

Liver tests

To investigate the numerous liver functions, the doctors have at their disposal an array of instrumental and laboratory tests (blood tests), equally rich. In most cases - to go back to a specific morbid condition affecting the liver and at the same time establishing its nature and seriousness - it is necessary to use specific groupings of these tests
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liver health

Hepatic insufficiency

Generality Liver failure is a serious discomfort that affects the liver. "Insufficiency" is synonymous with "incapacity" and refers to the malfunctioning of the organ. Specifically, we talk about liver failure when the liver is NO longer able to turn the metabolic functions it is intended for
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liver health

Jaundice in newborns

See also: yellow eyes Jaundice: What does it mean? Jaundice is a sign of common confirmation in both premature and full-term infants. The most striking feature of jaundice is the appearance of evident yellowish skin nuances, sustained by the increase in bilirubin levels in the body. Usually jaundice appears first on the face, then spread to the chest, abdomen, arms and legs as bilirubin levels increase
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liver health

Liver diseases

Among the diseases of the liver, or liver diseases, fall a series of pathologies connected with damage to cells, tissues and / or liver functions. Symptoms The symptoms most commonly associated with liver disease include: jaundice (yellowish coloring of the skin and ocular sclerae); loss of appetite; fatigue, malaise and significant weight loss; dark coloration of the urine or clear of the stool
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liver health

Bad to the Liver

Liver disease is a fairly common symptom, although diagnostic investigations very often contradict the hepatic origin of the problem. The patient, in fact, normally speaks of a bad liver in the presence of a localized pain in the upper right abdominal region, known for the anatomical correspondence to the organ site (see figure)
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liver health

Portal vein and portal hypertension

Vena Porta: What is it? The portal vein is a large venous trunk that collects blood from the spleen and the subdiaphragmatic portion of the digestive tract to convey it to the liver. The portal vein originates from the confluence of two main vessels: the superior mesenteric vein and the splenic vein
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liver health

Liver Values ​​- Blood Tests

Generality Liver health can be assessed with a simple and common drawing of blood from a vein in the forearm. The blood sample thus obtained is then analyzed in the laboratory, in order to measure the markers of liver function and health (ie to establish the plasma concentration of the substances that have to do with the efficiency and structural integrity of the organ)
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liver health

High transaminases in sports and liver health

By Dr. Francesco Casillo How many times has it happened that, after having found high values ​​of transaminases , the doctor or whoever has alerted him about possible liver stress ? Are the values ​​out of range (with respect to the reference) of the transaminases sign and prediction of liver stress ? The an
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liver health

Liver tumors

Generality The liver is very often the site of tumors. By far the most frequent are secondary ones - which originate in another location and give metastasis to the liver - but even primitive ones are not rare; the latter arise directly in the organ and their incidence is closely related to various risk factors that we will analyze later in the article
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