
The beautiful turtle

Edited by: Marco Batistoni

Let's now move on to the second exercise: crunch lapel on fit ball or swiss ball. Of course it is advisable not to perform both exercises in the same training session; generally in my exercise prescriptions I alternate them, one in day A, the other in day B.

We position ourselves supine on the ball, making sure that the lumbar curve adheres to the surface of the fit in a homogeneous and natural way as a beneficial stretch in hyperextension, then we grab with our hands a wall rack to keep the balance (or position the fit ball at center of a multigym, lowering the bar about 30/40 cm above the nape of the neck to be able to hold it comfortably) after which we bring the legs flexed to the height of the pelvis and begin the contraction in the direction of the chest of about 30 °, exhale for about 3 seconds maintaining the contraction, and exhaling we return to the initial position in about 3 seconds. The execution time under voltage will therefore be about 6 seconds, and this for 3-4 sets of 12 repetitions.

The exercise can be simple if we position ourselves more horizontally, in the non-convex part of the ball, because in this case we will be facilitated by the return thrust that the fit ball provides us with elastic compression energy; if instead we take a position in which the buttocks are lower and the body is tilted about 30 ° from the horizontal plane, things get complicated and being able to contract the abdomen for 8 or 10 correct repetitions becomes a real challenge arduous, made even more difficult by a recovery between sets of 30 seconds, therefore incomplete.

With the succession of training sessions, both of these exercises will be performed with greater ease, thanks to the supercompensation of adaptation to the load performed, but also to the neuro-muscular learning that gradually makes us more and more able to perform the movement correctly. When we have reached the point where we can complete all the repetitions of all the expected series, we can use small dumbbells or anklets to increase resistance.

Obviously there are many other productive exercises to train the abdominal district, but I believe that for many of them the risk of incorrectly stressing and overloading the lumbar tract causing soreness and "inflammation" is greater than their benefit, so I prefer not to treat the topic: there are already, in this regard, too many "popular beliefs" unfortunately supported by questionable positions more or less professional.

Now, because the turtle stands out in all its definition, let's try to develop an optimal cardio program. We all know that cardio is one of the crucial vehicles for fat burning, but maybe we don't always remember that if it's not carefully calibrated it can even be counterproductive. Did I say it big? 4 or 5 aerobic sessions per week at 60% of Vo2 definitely help to lose (.... by the way ....) fat, as physiology teaches us (in fact it is true that in this work intensity the organism burns a higher percentage of fat) but it is also true that we have to deal with the physical and psychological stress induced by this type of activity, which is added to that of normal weight training. The organism is faced with excessive work volume and is often not in a position to recover optimally; this has repercussions on the hormonal structure, which is modified by negatively affecting the result of all our sacrifices.

Let's try to imagine 2 subjects of 70kg: each of them at the end of weight training does a different cardio program.

The first runs on the runner for 30 minutes at a speed of 9.5 km per hour, the second chooses to run for 15 minutes at 7 km per hour with a gradient of 5%.

The first will be exercised with a vo2 of 2.4 l / m for a gross expense of 369 kcal in 30 minutes, the other will be exercised with a vo2 of 5.5 l / m for a gross expenditure of 416 kcal in 15 minutes .

In my opinion, being the two cardiovascular activities performed at the end of a short but intense anaerobic training, the second option could be really preferable: to begin with it has a different psychological impact, because 15 minutes even if quite tiring constitute a sustainable time in the end of a challenging session, moreover you work with the sugars in reserve, you have a less traumatic breech support on the runner, therefore less stressful for the joints and, last but not least, more calories are consumed. I do not intend to go into the question of the crucial importance of the induction of a strong lactacidemia during the rest of the training session: I consider this subject so important (it is in fact a key that opens many doors, and in different directions ... .) that I would like to treat it in full at another time.

I no longer want to bore you with my technical explanations, but at this point I would like to make a final consideration. Everything I told you about in this speech, which started by joking about the beautiful turtle's parody, concerns only the highest peak of physical culture, reserved for those few who are searching for the maximum definition. To get certain results it really takes strong motivation: certainly genetics is a determining factor, but willpower and sacrifice can make us achieve results that at first sight could seem absolutely out of our reach. Already an abdomen that has seen its plica fall slowly and progressively, month after month, can in itself be a success that gives the subject the necessary motivation to persevere in commitment and sacrifice.

And if the beautiful turtle doesn't arrive just in June .... well, let's not put it too fast. We continue to work well and you will see that, even if slowly, it will reach its goal.