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Localized adiposity

What's this

Localized fat is responsible for imperfections such as pancetta, coulotte and love handles. In these cases a part of the body fat is concentrated in specific regions that become the preferential reservoir of accumulation of excess lipids.

Similarly, the term localized adiposity describes the presence of a tissue particularly rich in fat cells compared to other areas of the body. This concept contrasts with the so-called "generalized adiposity" which indicates a homogeneous distribution of body fat ..

Causes and Risk Factors

The formation of localized adiposity is influenced by a multiplicity of factors that contribute to each other to give rise to the disorder. In detail, the localized fat:

  • It varies according to sex;
  • It varies according to age;
  • Varies based on body fat percentage;
  • It varies according to its genes;
  • Varies in relation to the amount of physical activity practiced;
  • It has a greater sensitivity towards certain hormones.

The aforementioned factors will be briefly analyzed below.

Localized adiposity and sex

The areas most frequently affected by phenomena of localized adiposity vary between the two sexes. Men usually manifest the so-called "android or apple obesity" (fat mass concentrated in the face, neck, shoulders and above all in the abdomen above the navel) which is associated, among other things, with more levels high blood glucose, triglycerides and blood pressure.

In females, on the other hand, obesity of the gynoid or pear type prevails (fat mass concentrated in the hips, buttocks, thighs and abdomen below the navel).

Localized adiposity and age

Although episodes of adiposity localized among the youngest are more and more frequent, this phenomenon occurs more frequently over 40 years of age. Important physiological changes such as a decrease in estrogens in females and testosterone in males, associated with increased insulin resistance, tend to favor the accumulation of fat in certain body areas.

Localized fat and body fat percentage

Usually, although they are not rare exceptions, localized fat is typical of people with a medium and high percentage of body fat while it is less frequent in lean subjects.

Localized adiposity and genetics

Although inheritance plays a very important role, many people tend to turn it into a real excuse ready to justify the failure to achieve their goals.

Genetic predisposition and susceptibility to circulatory disorders while being strongly implicated in the distribution of body fat, can at least be kept under control with a balanced diet and a regular program of physical activity

Localized adiposity and physical activity

Usually localized fat affects sedentary subjects; on the contrary those who practice with a certain regularity physical activity tend to have a more homogeneous distribution of body fat (generalized adiposity).

Localized adiposity and hormones

Localized adiposity is influenced by plasma levels of different hormones. For example, a low level of testosterone associated with a high level of cortisol tends to favor abdominal adiposity.

High levels of estrogen, on the other hand, are associated with an increase in triceps folds, thighs and buttocks.


Given that the best weapon against localized adiposity is prevention, given the seriousness of the problem, it is necessary to implement targeted and decisive solutions. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to all the possible variables that we have analyzed, from the lifestyle to nutrition, up to the regular practice of physical activity.

Below we will briefly analyze the main solutions that can be adopted to counteract the annoying localized fat deposits.

Modest Effectiveness Solutions

Cosmetic products and specific supplements against localized fat are just a few examples of the modestly effective solutions that can be used to overcome this disorder. However, given their relatively low efficacy, it is clear that approaches of this type can be useful (at least in part) only if performed in association with more effective treatments.

Cosmetics and products that induce hyperthermia

Abdominal creams and bands that cause a localized rise in temperature in the area in which they are applied - with a consequent increase in sweating - are probably the most advertised products to counteract the problem of localized adiposity. In fact, hyperthermia induced by similar products promotes circulation by increasing blood flow in the area of ​​interest, which is why they can somehow facilitate the disposal of excess adipose tissue.

Draining supplements

The draining products promote the elimination of toxic substances, eliminating toxins and excess liquids. It is now widely demonstrated that excessive intake of food toxins, combined with prolonged exposure to other pollutants in the air, favors the accumulation of fat. Minimizing the intake of toxic substances, and facilitating their elimination means laying the foundations for favoring the detoxification and detoxification mechanisms.


Massages can also play a positive role, stimulating the circulation of the area affected by localized fat and increasing the sense of general well-being.

Weight training

Weight training is not the most suitable activity to promote weight loss as it involves limited calorie consumption. However, muscle-building exercises stimulate the secretion of certain hormones that can promote and accelerate the disposal of excess fat. For this reason, it is good to include some general toning exercises in your training program.

Effective Solutions

To defeat the localized fat effectively it is necessary to eliminate the causes that led to its formation. Since the formation of localized adiposity depends on a set of different factors, there is no single and effective solution. The problem, therefore, must be faced on several fronts, starting from nutrition, up to the training strategies.

In cases where localized adiposities prove to be resistant to diet and training - after medical consultation - it is possible to resort to some types of aesthetic medicine treatments of a more or less invasive nature. These include cryolipolysis and liposculpture (or liposuction).


Food Strategies Against Localized Adiposity

In this article you can find a set of rules that must always be taken into consideration, both to promote weight loss and to live better in full respect of your body. Among these rules, we recall the following:

  • Before starting a new diet, contact a specialized doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.
  • Limit the consumption of sugary and carbonated soft drinks (fanta, coca cola and the like).
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Limit the daily intake of saturated fats (butter, fat sausages, fat red meats, fat cheeses) and trans fatty acids (margarine, peanut butter).

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Work out

Training Strategies against Localized Adiposity

In this article you will find the description of the "circuit training" training method which according to some studies could favor localized weight loss.

I talked about losing the extra pounds especially in the thighs and buttocks because some studies have shown that such a training program can promote localized weight loss.

This argument is rather controversial and sees on the one hand the so-called GURUs of experimental fitness and on the other the doctors of the international scientific community, who do not yet accept the definition of "localized weight loss".

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