
Does banana peel hurt?

One of the undoubted advantages of bananas is the practicality of consumption, given the simplicity with which the external peel is removed without the need for knives or special tools.

The removal of the peel of a fruit is essentially for two reasons:

  • improve its organoleptic and nutritional qualities (since the peel is generally not edible)
  • remove wax residues, preservatives and pesticides.

With regard to the second point, the use of these products is massive not only for citrus fruits, but also for bananas. Just think, for example, of the ease with which their skin is tinged with brown spots. The cause of this phenomenon (anthracnose) is the proliferation of molds of the genera Guignardia and Phyllosticta .

In banana plantations, to prevent anthracnose and other banana diseases, it is customary to wrap helmets in plastic bags, which can also be soaked in pesticides.

Since residues of these plant protection products can end up on our tables, it would be advisable to avoid touching the fruit pulp after peeling it with your hands, washing it carefully before taking it to your mouth.