

What is Tamarindo

Tamarind - Tamarindus indica, Leguminose Cesalpiniacee family - is an evergreen tree typical of tropical Africa, but also cultivated in India and America. Up to 25 meters high, it has been known since ancient times for its light brown legumes, similar to carobs.

These hanging fruits, more or less flattened and with protuberances in correspondence of the seeds, contain fibrous material and a soft, acidulous and yellowish pulp.


The flesh of the tamarind fruits boasts a characteristic aroma and a pleasant taste; for this reason, it is used in the preparation of juices and refreshing drinks.

In higher doses it is known to be an effective natural laxative, which owes its properties to the richness of organic acids, sugars and mucilaginous substances.

The desert populations use to chew the leaves to fight thirst.

Mode of use

At our latitudes, tamarind is used in the form of syrup or jam to solve cases of obstinate constipation; the doses of intake vary from 40 to 60 grams in the adult, while in children the dose is 1-2 g per year of age. To remember, in this regard, that tamarind can increase the bioavailability of aspirin.