feeding time

Milky Mount - Causes and Symptoms


The milky whipping consists in that stage of breastfeeding in which the colostrum gradually transforms, first into "transitional milk" in the 2-7 days after the birth, and subsequently, in the first two or three weeks, in "mature milk".

The mechanism underlying this event is the increase in prolactin (pituitary hormone), stimulated by the sucking of the nipple by the newborn.

Compared to colostrum, milk becomes more opaque and its composition has less protein and mineral salts, while it increases the fat content.

The signs of the imminent arrival of the milk supply are the swelling and the increase in breast volume, the well localized heat and the sensation of tension in the mammary skin. Sometimes, at this stage can also be associated with the appearance of an intense flow of milk when it is lightly pressed at the mammary areola.

Within a short time, these symptoms diminish and milk production stabilizes according to the child's needs.

Possible Causes * of Milky Mount

  • Pregnancy