
Brevilineo, Normolineo, Longilineo


The different types of corporal constitution that can characterize different individuals are brief, normal and long-limbed.

The determination of the body constitution is fundamental for the correct calculation of the ideal weight and for the choice of the sporting activity that best suits the physical characteristics of the subject.

Types of Constitution

The constitution of an individual can be longline, normolinea or brevilinea, depending on the results provided by the following equation:

The vertex-ischial height (AVI), expressed in centimeters, corresponds to the size of the trunk. It can be calculated quickly by measuring the distance between the vertex of the head and the support surface of the stool on which one is sitting, on condition that the feet are resting on the ground and that the neck and torso are well erect and perpendicular to the thighs.

On the basis of the calculated index (IS) thus calculated, it is therefore possible to define the constitution of an individual:

ConstitutionIndex select menIndex women


(long limbs in relation to the trunk)

≤51≤52, 4


(limbs and trunk in right proportion)

51.1 to 53.152.5 to 54.5


(short limbs in relation to the trunk)

≥ 53.2≥ 54.6

The body constitution can be calculated, even more quickly, by measuring the circumference of the right wrist at the base of the hand:

Morphological type




> 20 cm

> 18 cm


16 - 20 cm

14 - 18 cm


<16 cm

<14 cm

For a more precise assessment, instead, enter this data in the following equation:



more than 10.4more than 10.9


9.6 - 10.49.9 - 10.9


less than 9.6less than 9.9

Morphology and Sport

As mentioned, depending on body morphology, it is possible to determine and choose which type of sport best suits the physical characteristics of each individual:

  • Brevilineo (or brachitipo): excels in strength sports, such as weight lifting.
  • Normolineo (or normotipo): it is suitable for all sports, in particular speed and middle distance disciplines.
  • Long-limbed (or long type): it prefers resistant and jumping sports.

Morphology and Weight Form

The ideal weight and daily caloric needs are closely related to body morphology.

The weight can be determined by applying the following equations:

  • Adult male: number of cm in height exceeding the meter -5%
  • Adult female: subtract 3% from the result of the male formula
    • If the subject is long-limbed, subtract 10%
    • If shortly add 10%

To better understand the concept, below are some examples:

  • Brief subject male high 170 cm: ideal weight = (70 * 0.95) * 1.1 = 73kg
  • Long-limbed female 178 cm tall: ideal weight ((78 * 0.95) * 0.97) * 0.90 = 64.5 kg
  • Subject normolineo male 180 cm high: ideal weight (80 * 0.95) = 76 kg