

Gelatin: animal or vegetable?

Gelatine is a protein mixture obtained from the processing of collagen or other protein material (both animal and vegetable). Famous is, for example, the "fish glue", a jelly obtained from the swim bladder of various fish species and in particular from that of the sturgeons.

Alba gelatin, also of animal origin, is instead obtained from the processing of bones, both pig and bovine (although in the latter case there was, however low, the danger of transmission of BSE, the so-called mad cow disease); as an alternative or together with the bones, pieces of animal skin can also be used, such as pork rind. There are also different jellies of vegetable origin, in which the source is often an alga (famous is that of agar) or a fruit (fruit jelly, rich in pectin, is widely used in the preparation of jams).

Gelatine has a vast use profile, not just for food. A peculiar characteristic of this substance is in fact that of easily dissolving in hot water and of coagulating at room temperature, forming a more or less solid colloidal mass depending on the concentration. It is therefore used as a thickener in food products, as a base in microbiological culture media, as a hemostatic agent in medicine and for packaging eggs and glow plugs in the pharmaceutical industry.

Alice's Video Recipes - Fruit jellies

For the most demanding palates and the laziest intestines, kiwi jellies are ideal. The osmotic action of the sugars and the laxative action of the fibers represent an excellent deterrent for the sweet tooth and a potential remedy for those suffering from occasional constipation. To be enjoyed then with moderation, without exaggerating!

Laxative kiwi jellies

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Alternatively, you can try beaded bites of sugar crystals, prepared with orange juice and lemon juice.

Orange jellies

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