
Tanuta: Nutritional Properties, Role in Diet and How to Cook by R.Borgacci

What's this

What is the tanuta?

Tanuta ( S. cantharus ) is the name of a sea bony fish of the Sparidae biological family, commonly used for food purposes.

Also known in Italy as "cantaro", in English it is generally called "black sea bream" or "black porgy" - although these are very often of different species but of the same genus, therefore similar.

The tanuta is considered a poor fish - therefore environmentally friendly - akin to all the white fish; therefore it is not blue fish, although it has equally good nutritional properties. It belongs to the first fundamental group of foods - foods rich in proteins with high biological value, vitamins (especially water-soluble from group B) and specific minerals (such as iron) - but, being a fishery product, it also provides interesting levels of vitamin liposoluble D (calciferol), iodine and biologically active semi-essential polyunsaturated fatty acids - eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

In the kitchen, the tanuta is used exactly like other white fish. Generally considered less valuable than the bream, sea bream, red snapper, sea bream, sea bass or sea bass, it is more appreciated than the pezzogna, the bream, the look, the salpa and some species of mullet - all fish of the same culinary framework. It is not among the most used sea creatures for the raw, but this does not mean that it is of poor quality. Mostly it is prepared: boiled, roasted and in soup; the small specimens are added to the fried paranza.

The tanuta has the typical shape of the sparidae. Its appearance changes considerably from youth to adult age, both in body proportions and in pigmentation. It does not reach very large dimensions and the larger specimens easily exceed the kilogram, but generally reach 2.

The tanuta abundantly colonizes the Eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It lives at very variable depths, between the surface and 300 m, and remains mainly suspended on the water column but constantly near rocky ascents or in any case at the bottom. It is a gregarious species, predated both at a young age and in its adult phase, which feeds mainly on invertebrates such as worms and crustaceans, but also on algae. It has an effective reproduction - it enters into care in late spring or early summer - and, not being particularly interested in professional fishing - even if it often ends up in nets and longline - it still boasts a rather trophic population density. On an amateur level, it is mostly undermined by fishing-line, but is occasionally captured also in spearfishing.

Nutritional Properties

Nutritional properties of tanuta

The tanuta is a fishery product that falls within the 1st fundamental group of foods. Of the white weighing category, it is also considered a poor peach product. However, it has good levels of omega 3 (EPA and DHA), vitamin D and iodine.

The tanuta has a medium energy supply, conferred by the high protein concentration and a discrete lipid content; carbohydrates are irrelevant. It is a medium fat fish and provides twice as many calories than cod but as much as 25% less than salmon.

The tanuta proteins have a high biological value - they contain all the essential amino acids compared to the human model. Fatty acids have an unsaturated prevalence and, as anticipated, are probably characterized by an excellent level of EPA and DHA; the few sugars, present in traces, are soluble. The tanuta does not contain fibers, while the amount of cholesterol should be relevant but not excessive. Lactose and gluten are completely absent, the concentration of purines is abundant and the histamine, absent in the fresh product, can quickly increase in poorly preserved fish. Being a highly protein food, it is also a significant source of phenylalanine amino acid.

The tanuta is rich in water-soluble B vitamins, especially riboflavin (vit B2), niacin (vit PP), pyridoxine (vit B6) and cobalamin (vit B12); discrete the amount of thiamine and pantothenic acid (vit B5). It also contains excellent levels of liposoluble vitamin calciferol (vit D); the content of alpha tocopherol (vit E) is appreciable, although it is not a primary nutritional source. The levels of phosphorus, potassium and probably also iodine are certainly excellent; it is curious to note that the concentration of iron and zinc is not as high as would be expected.

Tanuta is a creature potentially at risk of infestation with Anisakis simplex. It never reaches large dimensions and feeds only on invertebrates, therefore the possibility of the accumulation of mercury and methylmercury in its flesh is quite unlikely. It should be a creature with a low risk of accumulation of algal toxins, but it is advisable to pay attention to the place of provenance - tanutes fished more to the south of the Atlantic Ocean, on the African coasts, are certainly less advisable.

water- g
Protein20.4 g
Lipids6.7 g
Saturated fatty acids- g
Monounsaturated Fatty Acids- g
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids- g
Cholesterol- mg
TOT Carbohydrates0.3 g
Starch / Glycogen0.0 g
Soluble Sugar0.3 g
Food fiber0.0 g
Soluble0.0 g
Insoluble0.0 g
Power150.0 kcal
Sodium59.0 mg
Potassium400.0 mg
Iron0.3 mg
Football13.0 mg
Phosphorus250.0 mg
Magnesium36.0 mg
Zinc0.8 mg
Copper0.03 mg
Selenium- mcg
Thiamine or vitamin B10.12 mg
Riboflavin or vitamin B20.30 mg
Niacin or vitamin PP5.50 mg
Vitamin B60.42 mg
folate14.0 mcg
Vitamin B123.7 mcg
Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid3.0 mg
Vitamin A or RAE13.0 mcg
Vitamin D4.0 mcg
Vitamin K- mcg
Vitamin E or Alpha Tocopherol1.4 mg


Tanuta in the diet

The tanuta is a food suitable for most diets. Average digestible despite the average concentration of fat and high protein, any excessive portions may still be inadequate for those with digestive complications such as dyspepsia, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

Cooked without added fat, the tanuta lends itself enough to slimming diets, which must be low-calorie and normolipidic. The abundance of high biological value proteins makes it an ideal food for the diet of malnourished, weakened or with an increased need for essential amino acids. This type of food is advisable in the case of very high intensity sports activity, especially in the disciplines of strength or with a very important muscular hypertrophied component, and for all particularly prolonged aerobic disciplines. For the same reason, it is also recommended in case of breastfeeding, pathological intestinal malabsorption and in old age - in which the eating disorder and the decreased intestinal absorption tend to create a protein deficit.

The essential biologically active omega 3 seeds are considered very important nutrients for: the constitution of cellular membranes, the development of the nervous system and the eyes - in the fetus and in children - the prevention and treatment of some metabolic pathologies - hypertriglyceridemia, arterial hypertension, etc. the maintenance of cognitive functions in old age, the reduction of some symptoms of neurosis - depressants - etc.

Due to the absence of gluten and lactose, the tanuta is pertinent in the diet for celiac disease and for intolerance to milk sugar. The abundance of purines makes it undesirable, in considerable portions, in the nutritional regimen for hyperuricemia, above all of a serious nature - with gouty attacks - and in that of calculosis or renal urinary lithiasis. Well preserved, it has no contraindication for histamine intolerance. The massive presence of phenylalanine precludes a significant use in the diet against phenylketonuria.

Since the water-soluble vitamins of group B have a mainly coenzymatic function, being rich, tanuta can be considered a good source of nutrients that support the cellular functions of all tissues. Vitamin D, on the other hand, is crucial for bone metabolism and the immune system; since the food sources of calciferol are objectively rather rare, the tanuta can be very useful in the diet potentially lacking in this important liposoluble factor. Phosphorus is one of the main elements that make up the bone (hydroxyapatite) and nervous tissue (phospholipids) but, due to its abundance in foods, it is hardly lacking in the diet. Potassium, of which foods of animal origin are not considered primary nutritional sources, is an alkalizing mineral responsible for neuromuscular transmission, which can also hinder the negative effects of excess sodium in therapy against sodium sensitive hypertension. Finally, iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland - responsible for the regulation of cellular metabolism after the secretion of hormones T3 and T4.

To be eaten raw, the tanuta needs to reduce the temperature to eliminate the risk of contamination by Anisakis simplex. Alternatively, it is possible to achieve the same effect by cooking it, which is also necessary - always for hygienic reasons - in the diet during pregnancy.

The tanuta does not lend itself to the vegan and vegetarian diet; they should be against the consumption of even Buddhist and observant Hindu animals. It has no contraindications for Muslim and Jewish religions.

The average portion of tanuta is about 100-150 g (150-225 kcal).


How do you cook tanuta?

The tanuta can be prepared raw, carpaccio or tartare, but has a decidedly less pleasant taste and aroma than other white fish such as sea bream and sea bass.

Its meat is suitable for all types of cooking; they brilliantly support sources of intense heat and fast propagation means, even if you do not need to exceed to avoid the risk of making the meat dry and stringy. To his advantage, he tends to remain softer than the bream.

It is excellent filleted and sautéed in the pan, or at the acquapazza. It does not disappoint even roast, both in the oven and on the grill (both charcoal and gas); many close it inside a bag or cover it with vegetables - potatoes, zucchini, onion etc.

It can enrich various kinds of soups in casserole, as long as it is cooked for an adequate time and is not mixed; the risk would be to break it and spread the bones throughout the preparation, making it almost inedible. To avoid this, it may be advisable to put it as the last ingredient, about a quarter of an hour from the end - depending on the size.

Boiling in boiling water or steam is the culinary dietary method par excellence; it is not bad even in vasocottura, even if it unleashes certainly very intense smells - for those who appreciate it, it is its most important characteristic.

Especially of small dimensions, the tanuta normally goes to make up fried fish; alternatively, if larger, it can be filleted and cut into strips.


Description of the tanuta

The tanuta has an oval shape, slightly flattened on the sides; the head is characterized by a snout longer than the diameter of the eye and by a jaw slightly prognosed with respect to the jaws. This feature is emphasized with the increase in size; the same is true for the proportionally increased body with respect to the head - emphasized at the point immediately behind the gill operculums.

The tanuta has a dorsal, an anal, a caudal, two pectoral and two ventral fins; the dorsal fin has 11 spines and 11-13 soft rays.

The body is completely covered with scales. The adult pigmentation is gray, with darker vertical stripes even if not really black, which become more visible in adulthood. The back is slightly darker, on the brownish, while the belly is lighter, almost white. On the face a darker area similar to a mask appears. The posterior border of the gill operculum is almost black.

On the other hand, when young, the specimens are more solid, they do not show evident streaks and only the dark line superimposed on the lateral one is visible.

It reaches an average adult size of about half a meter for a weight that exceeds the kilogram. The most common size is 30 cm.


Basics of biology of tanuta

The tanuta is a bony sea fish, bentopelagico and oceanodrome, belonging to the biological family Sparidae, Genus Spondyliosoma and species cantharus - from which the vulgar name "cantaro".

Colonize the Eastern Atlantic Ocean, in a rather vast area ranging from Scandinavia to northern Namibia; includes the Strait of Gibraltar, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde.

It remains suspended in the water column - rarely intana - and hangs over posidonia, algae, rocky and sandy sea beds up to 300 m, but more commonly in the first 100 m. With a strongly gregarious attitude, it meets in large schools.

It has an omnivorous diet that includes algae and small invertebrates such as crustaceans and worms. It is preyed upon by large fish and marine mammals.

It is a protogynous hermaphrodite fish and it changes sex from female to male with increasing size - about 24 cm. Sexual maturity is about 20 cm. The period of the scrub is manifested in spring, when it tends to gather in shallow waters; subsequently it lays eggs on the sand or in the ravines, which will become pelagic with the currents.

The tanuta is fished at a professional and amateur level. In Italy it has a not too developed market and is considered a product of marginal importance. It is caught with post nets, trawl and bonito. Lovers of angling are used to trap fishing or surf casting, less frequently with the float. It is also interested in spearfishing, but is usually considered "occasional" - caught in the absence of interesting prey.