
Paleodieta: basic concepts

Edited by Paolo Navone

Paleolithic diet: Return to the Origins

Let's talk about returning to the origins of man, of what was once food to eat, untreated, not "curved" and above all NOT CULTIVATED!

And you who do? Choose the blue pill and come with me to see what this world was or do you choose the red one and stay in the world dominated by the maize empire?

Proteins and Fats

The Paleolithic diet provided for a higher protein component than the one recommended today and differed significantly from the latter. The meat was lean game, poorer and very different in the composition of fats than the meat of today. Furthermore, this food was rich in omega-3 fats, nowadays almost absent in the meat of animals bred with feed (clear difference with those grown free). Fats are however an essential and important component of the Paleolithic diet. Without obviously exaggerating, Paleolithic is not synonymous with "excess" ...


As for the use of carbohydrates, as a source of energy and to re-stabilize the acid-base balance of the body, Paleolithic man fed on fruits and vegetables, which they carry (compared to pasta, rice and bread) to a lower release of insulin, consequently to a lower synthesis of fats. AIG carbohydrates (high glycemic index), in fact, those derived from cereals, are responsible for the rapid increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood (glycaemia), an event that triggers the "perverse mechanism of insulin".

What to eat

So, to sum up, the tips for a good Paleolithic diet are:

  • Make many small and not few and abundant meals; this also reduces hormonal stimulation (insulin) compared to that caused by more abundant and concentrated meals.
  • Eat red or white meat (even if today is treated compared to millions of years ago and loses many nutritional values ​​compared to Paleolithic; it is no coincidence that farm animals are fed with grain when they were free, instead, they ate what nature had imposed on them) and carbohydrates taken from fruit and vegetables, avoiding their own pasta, bread, biscuits, rusks, rice and all the cereal derivatives
  • Properly dissociate foods, ie avoid mixing different proteins together, in this way each food can be digested and absorbed better by the body.
  • Doing physical activity: the Palaeolithic man went hunting to get food, he was not sitting on a sofa watching TV, and he was struggling to kill the animal; now instead we go to the supermarket and everything is ready, so it is very important to play sports.

With this diet, also associated with a zone diet, I managed to "bring to the origins" many people in a short time, devastated by diets that unfortunately today's society imposes on us. Good return to today's civilization or a good start to a new era ... the paleo!

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