
Red Cabbage


Red cabbage (or red cabbage) means a food of vegetable origin, obtained from an edible plant belonging to the Brassicaceae family.

Closely related to cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and turnip greens (but not only), the red cabbage plant is identified by the binomial nomenclature Brassica oleracea, cultivated capitata f. rubra .

NB . The specification of the cultivar is essential to distinguish the red cabbage from the others mentioned above, but belonging to the cultivars: sabauda, botrytis, italica and sylvestris .

Red cabbage is also known as purple cabbage or red or blue sauerkraut.

It has dark red leaves, tending to purple. However, thanks to a pigment belonging to the anthocyanin ( flavine ) family, the plant changes color based on the pH of the soil.

Red cabbage is widespread in Northern Europe, the Americas and China. It requires a well-fertilized soil, with sufficient humidity for its vegetation. It is a seasonal plant that is sown in spring and harvested in late autumn. It is a cultivar that is better resistant to the cold than the white one and does not need to be converted into sauerkraut to guarantee its availability in winter.

Nutritional Features

Compared to green cabbage, the red one has a content 10 times higher than pro vitamins A and twice as much iron.

Red cabbage is a vegetable that belongs to the VI and VII group of foods, thanks to the significant contribution of retinol equivalents (pro vit A) and vitamin C (very useful in the winter period, when most vegetables are scarce). These vitamins are two powerful antioxidants and exert a good effect against free radicals preventing tissue aging and some forms of cancer.

Phenolic pigments (anthocyanins), which appear numerous and rather concentrated in red cabbage, also contribute to this antioxidant and anticarcinogenic effect. Equipped with a positive effect also on the metabolism, this time in synergy with dietary fiber (well present), polyphenols help keep cholesterol levels in the blood normal.

Nutritional Composition per 100g of Red Cabbage

Nutritional values ​​(per 100 g of edible portion)

Chemical compositionValue for 100g
Edible part94%
water92, 3g
Protein1, 9g
Total lipids0.2g
Saturated fatty acids- g
Monounsaturated fatty acids- g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids- g
Cholesterol0, 0mg
Carbohydrates available2, 7g
Soluble sugars2, 7g
Total fiber1.0g
Soluble fiber- g
Insoluble fiber- g
Phytic acid- g
Power20, 0kcal
Sodium- mg
Potassium- mg
Iron1.0 mg
Football60, 0mg
Phosphorus24, 0mg
Magnesium- mg
Zinc- mg
Copper- mg
Selenium- µg
Thiamine0, 06mg
Riboflavin0.05 mg
Niacin0, 60mg
Vitamin A retinol
C vitamin52, 0mg
Vitamin E- mg

Dietary fiber also has a positive effect on the trophism of intestinal bacterial flora and on stool transit, preventing constipation and some forms of colorectal cancer.

NB . Vit C tends to be degraded by cooking; beta-carotene (retinol equivalent) is found more in the outer leaves than in the central ones. However, these are usually rejected for hygienic reasons, especially in the diet of the pregnant woman (to reduce the risk of contracting the fearsome toxoplasmosis ).

Red cabbage is a low-energy food, with a caloric prevalence of carbohydrates, followed by proteins and finally by very small parts of lipids. Carbohydrates are simple (fructose) and peptides have a low biological value.

As far as mineral salts are concerned, red cabbage should provide a good amount of potassium (not mentioned in the table) and iron (compared to the food category to which it belongs).

The average portion of red cabbage is about 100-300g (20-60kcal).

Use in the kitchen

Red cabbage can be eaten raw or cooked.

It is a food that tends to stain hands and clothes very much. After cooking, it usually turns blue and to preserve its pigment it is necessary to add vinegar or acid fruit (eg lemon) directly during cooking.

Red cabbage is often used as a raw appetizer, for mixed salads or just cabbage. It is a traditional German side dish and from cooked accompanies many dishes, such as the Sauerbraten.

At Christmas, it can be seasoned and served in association with seasonal roasted goose.


On acid soils, the leaves of red cabbage grow red or pink or magenta, on neutral purple soils, while in the alkaline ones they become blue or yellow or greenish. This explains the fact that the same plant is widespread in different regions but with different colors.

For the same reason, red cabbage juice can be used as a household pH indicator; in practice, this becomes red with the addition of acid and green or yellow components in a basic solution.