
Flashback - Causes and Symptoms


Flashback is a psychic process that revives an event from the past.

In medicine, this manifestation is associated with some psychological reactions and, generally, it can be found in traumatic and particularly stressful situations (eg abuses in childhood, natural disasters, road accidents, acts of terrorism, scenes of violence, etc.). ).

The flashback can be triggered by sensations, images, smells and noises; often, the phenomenon is induced by ordinary situations that symbolize or in some ways resemble the triggering event, such as the barking of a dog or the flashing of a car on the road. However, flashback can occur even without obvious reasons.

The subject may have sudden memories, hallucinations, illusions and dissociative episodes during the day; during night rest, however, the flashback can recur in the form of recurring dreams and nightmares.

The person who experiences this phenomenon is completely absorbed by such unpleasant memories and can have the feeling of being re-living the event of anguish, losing contact with reality temporarily.

Flashback is one of the symptoms often described by those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This manifestation can also be found in the context of dissociative amnesia and borderline personality disorder.

Flashback can also occur after taking hallucinogens (especially LSD), alcohol or barbiturates.

Possible Causes * of Flashback

  • Alcoholism
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Schizophrenia