
Morsi Uterini Post Parto by G.Bertelli


Post-partum uterine bites are involuntary contractions, perceived at the level of the abdomen, which appear in the puerperium, once the pregnancy has ended.

The purpose of these spasms is to restore the uterus to normal pre-gestational dimensions: the process of organ involution begins immediately after the baby is born and can last up to six weeks .

Postpartum uterine bites are related to the production of oxytocin . In addition to inducing labor pains, this hormone stimulates the uterus to contract and shrink immediately after the placenta is expelled, helping to stop bleeding as a result.

Postpartum uterine bites vaguely resemble menstrual cramps. In some cases, however, these contractions can lead to more or less intense discomfort and pain.

The resolution of postpartum uterine bites is generally spontaneous; in his expectation, to alleviate the symptomatology, a pharmacological therapy based on the assumption of an analgesic, which does not interfere with lactation (such as paracetamol or ibuprofen) may be indicated.

What are

Post Parto: what is meant by Morsi Uterini?

In medical terms, "uterine bites" is an expression used to define the intermittent and painful contractions of the uterus that occur in the period following the birth.

Did you know that…

  • The puerperium is the period following the completion of the birth, during which the uterus returns to its original size and the genital apparatus regains the pre-pregnancy form. In detail, this phase begins after the expulsion of the placenta ( secondary ) and ends with the resumption of cyclic ovarian activity (identified with the capoparto, ie the reappearance of menstruation).
  • The duration of the puerperium is approximately 40-45 days (ie it lasts for 6-8 weeks after the birth of the child).
  • The clinical manifestations of the puerperium generally reflect the regression of physiological changes that occurred during pregnancy.


Postpartum uterine bites are essentially spontaneous and involuntary muscle contractions of the uterus, necessary to restore its size after delivery.

Why do they occur?

Postpartum uterine bites have the function of bringing the uterus back to its pre-pregnancy dimensions. In practice, the organ begins to contract in order to reduce its volume, until it returns to "normal" conditions: this process is called uterine involution .

Postpartum uterine bites can be particularly intense during breastfeeding (during or after feeding). Indeed, the suction of the newborn stimulates the secretion of oxytocin, a hormone able to exacerbate uterine contractions.

Uterine involution: some notes

  • At the end of pregnancy, the uterus weighs about 1 kg and is large enough to contain the child raised in nine months, the placenta and the amniotic fluid. Within six weeks after delivery, this organ contracts to lose 95% of its weight due to the cytoplasmic catabolism of smooth muscle cells.
  • Breastfeeding increases the production of oxytocin, so involution will happen more quickly. At the end of the first week, the cervix will be halfway between the navel and the top of the pubic bone; after two weeks from delivery, it will no longer be possible to feel the uterus by touch.

Symptoms and Complications

Postpartum uterine bites occur with a series of intermittent contractions of the musculature of the uterus, sometimes very strong and painful.

Morsi Uterini Post Parto: how do they manifest themselves?

Postpartum uterine bites result in pain in the abdomen, similar to menstruation cramps. The intensity of these contractions can vary from woman to woman. In addition, postpartum uterine bites are less painful at first birth and gradually increase in intensity in later ones (in other words, they are more intense in multiparas ).

In some cases, however, uterine involution occurs in a completely asymptomatic way, without causing any discomfort.

Postpartum uterine bites are typically associated with lochiazioni, that is, loss of blood, serum, mucus and residues of the decidua (the tissue that has covered the inner surface of the uterus during the nine months of gestation) that occur in the early periods after the birth of the child. These manifestations indicate the process of "repair" of the uterus and must not be confused with the warder (that is, the first menstruation that appears after the completion of the birth). The lochiazioni associated with post-partum uterine bites change in intensity of flow and color: in the first week after the birth, the losses are abundant and bright red; little by little, the blood clots are reduced and the vaginal secretions take on a pink color, to then become - after about 10-15 days - serous, whitish and less abundant.

When are they presented?

Postpartum uterine bites occur in the days immediately following the birth of the child.

Morsi Uterini Post Parto: how long do they last?

The duration of post-natal uterine bites can vary. Usually, these contractions occur for about six weeks, gradually decreasing in intensity and frequency.

Signs to watch out for

Women who experience postpartum uterine bites need not worry, as this is a completely normal event. In fact, these contractions indicate that the new mother's body is returning to pre-pregnancy conditions.

If you have doubts about the nature of the manifestations that occur during the puerperium, it is always advisable to consult the reference gynecologist or your primary care physician, even just to receive reassurance.

New mothers should contact a clinician immediately, however, when the onset of severe abdominal pain, copious bleeding or continuous vaginal fluid loss occurs.

Treatment and Remedies

Post-natal uterine bites do not represent a danger for new mothers and, normally, no particular therapies are necessary.

The pain associated with these contractions resolves spontaneously within a short time, when the uterus has returned to its original size, so it has completed the involution process.

In the presence of very intense postpartum uterine bites, it is possible to take a mild analgesic based on paracetamol, ibuprofen or other safe active ingredients that are also compatible with breastfeeding. In any case, it is always good to ask the gynecologist or your primary care physician for advice before using any medicine.

How to mitigate Uterini Postpartum Bites

To alleviate the discomfort caused by post-natal uterine bites, it is possible to implement various precautions, such as:

  • Rest, lying down for a few moments, face down, with a pillow or a bag of hot water under your belly;
  • Gently massage the belly;
  • Try relaxing with a bath in warm water or a hot drink;
  • Walk and do some exercises, such as swaying your hips or lifting your legs;
  • Drink a lot of water.

To know

Among the disorders of the puerperium, uterine bites are generally those destined to diminish first. In general, it should be remembered that accurate intimate hygiene is very important after the baby is born, frequently changing post-natal external pads. Cleansing should be carried out with water and products specifically formulated for the post-partum period, which respect the normal balance of the vaginal flora and skin.