
FULCIN ® Griseofulvin

FULCIN ® is a drug based on Griseofulvin

THERAPEUTIC GROUP: Antimycotics for systemic use

IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects

Indications FULCIN ® Griseofulvin

FULCIN ® is indicated in the treatment of superficial fungal infections of the skin and related appendages, if topical therapy has not determined appreciable clinical results.

Mechanism of action FULCIN ® Griseofulvin

FULCIN ® is a drug based on Griseofulvin, a natural antibiotic extracted from a species of Penicillium, whose antifungal effect, guaranteed following administration by os, is carried out through the inhibition of the mitotic process.

More precisely, this molecule deposited in the keratinocyte precursors persists, inducing a prolonged resistance to the invasion of fungi, preventing their proliferation and at the same time facilitating their removal by the desquamation of the stratum corneum rather than with the normal growth of hair and nails.

Everything is simplified by the excellent pharmacokinetic properties that allow Griseofulvin to accumulate in the stratum corneum in about 4-8 hours, with a half-life of more than 24 hours, thus making it quite simple to take.

Studies carried out and clinical efficacy


Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2013 Jan 7; 105C: 158-166.

Interesting study that seeks to characterize from the pharmacological point of view a new Griseofulvin release system that guarantees its topical use, thus reducing the potential systemic side effects.


J Infect Dev Ctries. 2011 Oct 13; 5 (10): 732-6.

Work that shows how Griseofulvin still remains the first choice treatment in patients with Tinea Capitis, and how the use of adequate hygienic standards can considerably limit its spread.


Horm Metab Res. 2012 Oct 30.

Experimental study that demonstrates how Griseofulvin, through its particular mechanism of action, can determine an in vitro inhibitory action on the proliferation and growth of adrenocortical tumor cells.

Method of use and dosage


125 mg tablets - 200 mg of Griseofulvin.

Despite the definition of the dosage and the timing of the assumption must necessarily be defined by the competent doctor based on the physio-pathological characteristics of the patient and the severity of the clinical picture, in principle the maximum dosage of 1 gr daily of Griseofulvin has proved useful in the resolution of most clinical pictures of fungal infection.

Warnings FULCIN ® Griseofulvin

FULCIN ® therapy must necessarily be preceded by a careful medical examination aimed at assessing the possible presence of contraindications to the use of the drug rather than the presence of potentially dangerous clinical pictures.

For this reason patients suffering from hepatic, renal and hematopoietic diseases should take with care FULCIN ®, preferably under the periodic medical supervision of their blood chemistry framework.

The Griseofulvin contained in FULCIN ® is responsible for photosensitization, therefore it would be appropriate for patients in therapy to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

It would also be advisable to use contraceptive methods as an alternative to the contraceptive pill during the FULCIN ® treatment period.


The absence of clinically significant clinical trials and the simultaneous presence of experimental studies demonstrating the appearance of congenital malformations in fetuses exposed to Griseofulvin, extend the aforementioned contraindications to the use of FULCIN ® also to pregnancy and the subsequent breastfeeding period.


The partial hepatic metabolism of Griseofulvin may alter the pharmacokinetic properties of other active ingredients such as oral anticoagulants and oral contraceptives, reducing their effectiveness.

In the same way, barbiturates could exert an inhibiting action against Griseofulvin, limiting its effectiveness in action.

Contraindications FULCIN ® Griseofulvin

The use of FULCIN ® is contraindicated in patients with established hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or to one of its excipients, in patients suffering from hepatic insufficiency and serious alterations of the hematological picture.

Undesirable effects - Side effects

The use of FULCIN ® could cause mild side effects such as headache, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, flatulence and skin rashes, rather than more serious adverse reactions such as hepatotoxicity, hypersensitivity reactions and changes in the hematological pattern such as angioedema, leukopenia, neutropenia and monocytosis .


FULCIN ® is a prescription drug prescribed by a doctor.