lose weight

Calorie tea

Tea falls into the category of so-called "negative calorie" foods: a host of foods that, by virtue of the invigorating and thermogenic action, cause the body to consume more calories than they bring.

Without added sugar or milk, a cup of tea provides the body with approximately 2 calories; however, the caffeine (or theine if you prefer) contained in it slightly raises the metabolism; it has been calculated that a cup of coffee increases the body's energy expenditure by about 20 KCal, thanks to the stimulating effect of caffeine.

Therefore, even a cup of tea prepared leaving a couple of sachets in prolonged infusion determines the same thermogenic effect (evaluation made on the basis of the average caffeine content of the two foods).

Thinking of losing weight with tea or caffeine, however, is certainly not a good idea, as the side effects of this practice are serious. A healthy person should not consume more than three cups of coffee a day, while some categories of subjects (including pregnant, children, hypertensive, cardiopathic, gastritic) should abstain regardless of the calorie factor. Unlike coffee, however, the aqueous extracts of green tea can be used as antioxidants, antivirals, preventives on the phenomena of carcinogenesis, useful in slimming diets. A cup of tea contains at most 50 mg of caffeine, and generally about a third of that contained in a cup of coffee. The extraction of caffeine is greater the longer the infusion and the eventual boiling of the tea leaves.

Clearly, the energy intake of a tea corrected with sugar, milk, honey or consumed with biscuits or other snacks increases considerably compared to the bitter counterpart. Therefore, in order to help the reader calculate the calories of a cup of tea consumed according to his habits, we have prepared a simple calculation form: simply select the various additions from the drop-down menus, specifying the respective ones from time to time quantitative.