natural supplements

Noni juice

What is Noni juice

Noni juice is the result of the pressing of the Noni fruit. It has a thick consistency, dark brown color, a strong unpleasant odor and an acid taste. There are various production methods for making the juice: it is important that the process to produce the juice is able to maintain most of the properties of the fruit, which otherwise would be lost. The capsules, in fact, do not have the same nutritional value and, due to the manufacturing process, contain a lower quantity of active ingredient.

Noni juice production method: decantation and pasteurization;

Freeze-dried juice production method: concentration → filtration → freeze-drying.

Nutritional values

Noni fruit juice contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, sterols and contains a large amount of amino acids. Despite what is said for commercial purposes, the percentages of micronutrients are not surprising at all; for example, the most significant micronutrient, vitamin C, is contained in doses of about 30/50 mg per 100ml of noni juice (pure undiluted), against 50 mg / 100 ml of vitamin C. Considering that, to contain the costs to the public and to improve its bad organoleptic characteristics, noni juice is often diluted or cut with other fruit juices, it is understood that the magnification of its nutritional content is a mere commercial speculation. Without feeding international trade and the related social and environmental implications, looking at the nutritional tables below, it is natural to wonder if it is perhaps better to consume an Italian orange juice.

Comparison of the nutritional values ​​of Pure Orange Juice and Pure Noni Juice (values ​​per 100 ml)

Power45 kcal15.3 kcal
Carbohydrates10.4 g.3.4 g
fibers0.2 g<0.2 g
Total lipids (fats)0.2 g<0.1 g
Protein0.7 g0.43 g
Cholesterol0 mg0 mg
Football11 mg10.1 mg
Iron0.2 mg0.07 mg
Potassium200 mg66 mg
Sodium1 mg10.5 mg
Zinc0.05 mg1.98 mg
Vitamin A, Retinol equivalent activity10 RAE<5 RAE
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid50 mg33.65 mg
Niacin, vitamin B3 or PP0.4 mg1.12 mg
Folate, total30 mcg11.4 mcg

* Values ​​taken from the site: //


Currently, pharmacological research has recognized the presence of some active ingredients, including the precursors useful for the production of the xeronine enzyme, a relevant component of the cell membrane, capable of exerting a regenerative and restorative action on damaged cells. Furthermore, xeronine is able to regulate the function of proteins, to provide them with an adequate structure and plays a fundamental role in maintaining cellular efficiency and metabolism. The intake of Noni juice allows, therefore, to obtain a synergistic combination of the substances present in it (such as proxeronine, vitamin C and scopoletin ) important for the body's cellular structure, metabolism regulation and antioxidant functions.

Note. Position of the FDA and authorization of the European Commission relating to Noni juice.

Noni's unique composition makes it one of the most nutritious and beneficial fruits in the world.

The various scientific studies conducted have shown how this fruit has the ability to act as an analgesic, detoxifying, immunostimulant, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiparasitic and energizing. The therapeutic applications in which it can benefit are manifold. However, further noni hypothesized and publicized medicinal properties of the Noni, applied to various pathologies, are still subject to verification in numerous scientific researches. Recently, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, main body of world food control) has included Noni in the GRAS category (Generally Recognized as Safe), the list that contains all the substances recognized as safe for the world population. Furthermore, the same control body intervened by issuing warnings to the producers and distributors of Noni about the indications on health that have not yet been scientifically proven. In 2003, the European Commission authorized the marketing of Noni juice as a "new food ingredient" (Novel food, decision 2003/426 / EC pursuant to EC regulation n. 258/97). In the course of this procedure, the Scientific Committee for Food Products (SCF) issued a favorable opinion, noting that the data provided and the information available did NOT constitute evidence of " particular beneficial effects of Noni juice, superior to those of others fruit juices ".

As for seed oil, by virtue of the high content of omega-six polyunsaturated fatty acids, it could be useful in treating skin conditions characterized by redness and irritation.

Functions and Benefits

Noni juice is considered a valid ally to strengthen the body's natural defense system, but it is important to remember that it comes from a natural plant and it is not a miracle cure. Noni has a good restorative power, thanks to the good content of vitamins, amino acids and minerals. But nothing more.

For commercial purposes it is also said that noni juice is an excellent energizer, which improves physical and physiological performance. Here are its multiple, presumed, positive aspects about the organism:

  • Relieve stress and fight fatigue

    The enzymes contained in the juice can promote the assimilation of amino acids, vitamins and mineral salts naturally contained in food, improving the energy tone. In addition, it fights weakness and dehydration especially in the hottest months of the year, helping to better withstand heat and improving sleep, as well as stimulating the production of melatonin by the epiphysis.

  • Pain-relieving and analgesic function

    An experimental study confirmed the pain-relieving ability of the Noni plant, which can be exploited for various conditions. The juice can help fight the pains typical of some diseases, from headaches to gastrointestinal disorders. This Noni derivative can also act as an analgesic against muscle, joint, menstrual and digestive pain.

  • Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory function

    Noni is able to support the body by controlling and regulating inflammatory processes. In particular, some trials have found a marked improvement in the condition of patients suffering from tendonitis, arthritis and bursitis. Noni juice strengthens the immune system: it is able to activate T cells and macrophages, designed to attack and destroy pathogens.

  • Improves the skin

    Noni juice can be applied to the skin with excellent results: it is particularly useful for treating skin inflammations, minor burns and small abrasions. In fact, xeronine is able to promote the regeneration of traumatized tissue.

    Increases energy and good mood

    Noni stimulates the secretion of endorphins and serotonin, improving mental efficiency and mood, reducing symptoms such as bodily weakness, fatigue, drowsiness and depression.

  • Antihypertensive function

    The scopoletin, a substance that promotes the production of nitric oxide, which acts on the blood vessels increasing their elasticity and favoring the lowering of pressure.

  • Antioxidant activity

    Noni contains vitamin C and selenium, two antioxidants able to counteract the action of free radicals and cellular aging.

Other features:

  • Gastric and intestinal protection activity;
  • Promotes the absorption of vitamins C and A, beta-carotene, calcium and potassium;
  • Prevents skin aging and damage caused by sunlight on the epidermis;
  • Detoxifying activity.

Applications of Noni juice

Studies conducted on Noni juice have shown how it can help resolve various disorders. Remember that Noni is NOT a drug and should not be taken as a substitute for medicines.

For commercial purposes, it is suggested that Noni juice can be useful in the event of:

  • Type 1 diabetes, type 2
  • Glycemia
  • Symptoms of depression
  • Hypertension
  • Asthenia, weakness, lack of energy
  • Drowsiness
  • Anxiety, Stress
  • Adjusting sleep patterns
  • Regulation of biological rhythms
  • Metabolism regulation
  • Allergic symptoms
  • Combat free radicals
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Burns
  • Injuries and skin irritation
  • Infections
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Worms and parasites
  • Antioxidant and anti-aging
  • Stomach pains
  • Migraine
  • Cataract
  • Ear ache
  • Against withdrawal symptoms (smoking, etc.)
  • Arthritis, tendinitis
  • Improvement of attention