Category pregnancy

Pregnancy: will it be male or will it be female?

Pregnancy: will it be male or will it be female?

See also: sex determination Biological bases Each cell of the human body, except the sexual ones, contains 23 pairs of chromosomes; of these, 22 contain information for the development of the body, while the twenty-third pair contains the gene sequences for the development of internal and external sexual organs

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Pregnant Salmon

Pregnancy and Salmon Salmon in pregnancy: introduction The relevance of salmon in pregnancy is often the subject of discussion. This disagreement originates above all from the fact that the fish is marketed in various forms of preservation and processing, destined to very different preparations. Salmon is available raw and frozen or thawed, fresh, smoked or canned
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Under Oil and Pregnant Pickles

Taken by the mother in gestation, certain foods in oil or pickles can be harmful to the fetus. The main rule is to avoid any food produced at home. Moreover, with reference to commercial foods, it is recommended to: DO NOT store them for long after opening them. Eliminate them at the first suspicion of poor storage
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Pregnancy Clams by R.Borgacci

Generality Pregnancy and clams: introduction The doubt whether eating or avoiding clams is still gripping many pregnant women today. It is well known that facing the gestation involves obligations and duties that are often essential. The mother must take on many responsibilities, including the abolition of all potentially risky behaviors and habits for the unborn child
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I.Randi Pharmacological Abortion

Generality With pharmacological abortion we mean the interruption of pregnancy carried out through the use of specific drugs. Also known as a medical or chemical abortion , this treatment is considered the first-choice method for terminating a pregnancy within the first few weeks of gestation. To be performed, pharmacological abortion requires the administration of an abortive drug - responsible for detachment of the embryonic sac - and a prostaglandinic analogue, necessary to induce uterine contractions in order to favor the expulsion of the embryo, the sac and amniotic fluid, as well as the i
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I.Randi Therapeutic Abortion

Generality The therapeutic abortion is the abortion carried out through medical interventions in order to preserve the health of the mother or to avoid the development of a fetus suffering from serious pathologies or malformations. More in detail, therapeutic abortion represents a voluntary interruption of pregnancy that can be carried out even after the 90 days of gestation provided for by the current legislation (law 194/1978)
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Pimples in Pregnancy by I.Randi

Generality The appearance of pimples in pregnancy is a widespread phenomenon. There are, in fact, many pregnant women who witness the appearance of these annoying "imperfections" which, more often than not, lead to a real acne. In a sense, pimples in pregnancy are considered as a normal manifestation that occurs due to the changes taking place in the body of the pregnant woman during this particular period
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I.Randi's Candida in Pregnancy

Generality Candida in pregnancy is a vaginal infection supported by yeasts of the genus Candida that occurs in many women during this particular period. Generally, candida in pregnancy is not considered a serious infection, however, in order to avoid complications, it must not be underestimated in any way and needs adequate treatments
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I.Randi Pregnancy Nipples

Generality The nipples during pregnancy undergo a series of modifications due to the adaptation and preparation of the body in anticipation of the birth of the child. The changes that occur in the breast and nipples are due to changes in hormone levels that typically occur during this phase of a woman's life
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Cervical Hood

What is the cervical cap? The cervical cap - or cervical cup - is a relatively effective mechanical contraceptive ("barrier") instrument to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The cervical cap (not to be confused with menstrual cups) is a reusable bell-shaped rubber device that prevents spermatozoa from entering the uterus and protects the woman from unwanted pregnancies
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Mechanical or barrier contraceptive methods

Choice of contraceptive method Each couple can live sexuality freely, choosing the contraceptive method that best suits their needs and needs. The protagonists of a relationship can also decide not to use any contraceptive method. What is fundamental is that everyone takes responsibility for their own actions, ready to face any possible unknown that could result in sexual behavior potentially at risk
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