
Factors for training success

Edited by Emanuele Giuliani

We have the case of having two people of the same age who train with weights, assuming a similar genetic potential, an identical diet and the same habits of rest. What used an effective cadence, which paid attention to training each muscle using the perfect form of execution and which has always tried to compress and intensify the training, will show greater progress than the partner who has not respected the aforementioned parameters.

We all know (or we should know) that the way to develop an impressive physique and a lot of strength is to train using the basic exercises.

I have been saying this for a long time, but it is good to repeat it as often as possible. This is because there are always beginners who approach weight training and for them to be told from the beginning that sticking to fundamentals is the way to go, it can be what they need, no matter what they told them before and from any pseudo material they may have read.

Then there are the veterans (not necessarily as an age, although some may be, but for years of improper training behind them). There are many experienced athletes who, tired and disgusted by their absolute inability to progress due to absurd, unreal and useless routines, have the tenacity to continue to train and open up, finally, to the truth, as soon as someone offers it to them.

To progress at the best, work hard with the basic exercises!

Use all the other exercises that many call complementary as simple supplementary exercises (if you really can't manage to take them off), dedicating to them no more than 10% of the total training time.

This is the foundation.

If you can't put it right, you won't be able to make the best profits.

However, once determined that the fundamental exercises must represent the fulcrum of the training (I must list to you what are the fundamentals ??? I hope not ..!? Otherwise read them here), the question remains " How to train? ? "

There are two other essential features of training and athletes should shape these characteristics to get the best results:

Form of execution and duration

The perfect form of execution is the inviolable rule.

However difficult it is to always increase the load on the balance while maintaining a good executive form, you must however understand that everyone eventually reaches the peak and reach their hereditary maximum.

No one can or has managed to gain muscle and progress endlessly.

We must therefore add a constant and above all very patient load, without sacrificing the form of execution.

Some bodybuilders also train at the age of 80 and do so because in their careers they performed perfect, correct and intelligent training, with loads that made them work three times a week for up to an hour.

One of the great determinants of training quality is the technical correctness with which you decide to perform the exercises, each of them!

Train yourself using complete, constant, intense movements with a full range of motion; let the other person misinformed "tear", "bounce" and "jerk" the weights. Its loads can also be considerably greater, but those you use will produce results, without injury.

One of the most important rules regarding the duration of training in bodybuilding is : the less training you do (as long as it is INTENSE) and the better the results .

In other words, try to perform your training perfectly and in less and less time.

Reduce your training by a few minutes.

Then a few more minutes, etc.

This does not mean that you will benefit by rushing or running, if anything the opposite. If you try to accelerate, you will surely train too fast and end up ruining the form of execution and consequently reducing the quality of the results.

So be careful!

The trick is to continually strive not to RUN, but rather to COMPRESS and INTENSIFY the workouts.

Strive to add load intelligently in small and manageable increments.

It's hard and difficult work, but the final results are progressive and intense workouts, which provide the best possible results and allow you to achieve maximum hereditary development, as quickly as possible.

Minimize rest between sets.

Don't go to the next series unless you are ready to do it justice; however, pay close attention to increasing the quality of strength, development and condition.

Rest between individual exercises must be sufficient to feel strong and ready.

The basic concept is that you have to be very careful and conscious.

Each person is unique.