
Indoor cycling and muscular hypertrophy

Behind this title there is one of the most frequent questions hovering in the ic room (indoor cycling), especially for the use of gentleness.

"Sorry, but what do you say I can do indoor cycling? You know I am afraid that pedaling will make me two legs and two calves like that!"

What do we respond to the doubtful damsel?

First of all, we must point out that we cannot and we must underline nothing against genetics. If mother nature built us mesomorphs we will have a good chance of seeing our muscles develop more easily than if we had given us an ectomorphic code.

Moving on to a more specific answer, we will certainly refer to energy metabolisms. We all know by now that the fuel for an aerobic job like ours is the sugars and the fats and the comburent is precisely the oxygen. The engine that uses this fuel is the slow fibers of our muscles and part of the intermediates. Fibers that are not devoted to hypertrophy. To be clearer, has anyone ever seen a marathon runner with a centometrist's physique? I do not believe.

The swelling that our beloved will notice after the first training sessions, especially if it has stopped for a long time (sometimes always!) Is due to a minimum increase in muscle mass, but above all to a new and better vascularization of the contractile fibers. His organism is adapting to the increased oxygen demand for ATP resynthesis in an aerobic regime. Here is the real advantage for you!

If it is constant, better circulation will mean a reduction in the imperfections of cellulite (just as miracle products promise), more sculpted legs due to the use of intramuscular fat as fuel and a definitely better state of well-being and health. These last two aspects should be the main objective of every client of a fitness club, the aesthetic factor would be the natural consequence of his work.

In conclusion ... no apologies, PEDALARE !!!!!

Francesco Calise

Personal trainer, Schwinn Cycling instructor, postural gymnastics, yogafit and Mountain bike