
Melatonin 3 Sublingual - Jamieson

Information on Melatonin 3 Sublingual - Jamieson

Melatonin 3 Sublingual - Jamieson

Food supplement based on Melatonin in sublingual plates


Pack of 15/30 plates

COMPOSITION (for a sheet): Melatonin 3 mg

Notes: the plates are made of pullulan, colorless and edible polysaccharide extracted from starch. Being soluble in a watery environment, it can be easily hydrolyzed and guarantee the release of the active ingredient, directly in the sublingual site.

Product features Melatonin 3 Sublingual - Jamieson

Sublingual absorption: sublingual absorption is an alternative route to the classic oral administration and to the relative gastric or intestinal absorption. Although the absorption surface is somewhat reduced (about 0.02 m2), the high vascularization of the sublingual region guarantees an optimization of this process. The main advantages that derive from this method of administration are concretized in a more rapid kinetics, and above all in a greater bioavailability.

The possibility of skipping the first-pass metabolism, to which melatonin is very sensitive, means that the dose administered sublingually corresponds, in terms of bioavailability, to a double quota taken per os.

Melatonin: derived directly from serotonin and before from tryptophan, it is synthesized in a gland placed at a diencephalic level and known as an epiphysis. The synthesis of this hormone is strongly regulated - in addition to the availability of the substrate - by the light / dark ratio. The luminous stimulus, in fact, received by cells similar to retinal photocatalysts, activates a series of biological mechanisms that lead to the total inhibition of the enzyme involved in the synthesis of melatonin. It is therefore clear that the maximum production of this neurohormone occurs at night, where the light stimulus is minimal. However, light is not the only stimulus able to interfere with the endogenous synthesis of melatonin; in fact, alcohol, smoking, tranquilizers, caffeine, vitamin B12, ibuprofen, other drugs and aging also greatly affect epiphyseal function. Melatonin supplementation, in addition to the hypnotic and sedative effect, is able to protect the pineal gland, reducing its exhaustion and protecting it from calcification and degeneration.

In addition to the regulation of the biological clock and the sleep / wake rhythm, its main application, melatonin also actively participates in other important reactions, such as:

  1. Oxidation-reduction reactions: the antioxidant function of melatonin and its metabolites is now known. The high protection it offers towards reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, place it among the most relevant antioxidant molecules, despite the commitment in this process entails the net loss of the quota involved, given the absence of reductase regenerates.
  2. Immune reactions: several experimental evidences have correlated the administration of melatonin to a significant strengthening of the immune defenses. More precisely, an improvement was observed both in the non-specific immune defenses (inflammatory reactions) and in the adaptive defenses (improvement of the antibody and cytotoxic response).
  3. Protection reactions: melatonin is able to protect the cell, and in particular its DNA, from the action of mutagens. Although there are no valid experiments on men, it was used in the cocktail of prof. Di Bella for her potential anticancer actions.
  4. Metabolic reactions: although still in the characterization phase, initial evidence suggests that activation of the MT1 receptor for melatonin may improve insulin sensitivity and protect laboratory animals from the onset of type II diabetes.

Despite the multiple capacities of this molecule, melatonin is currently used in all those disorders and conditions that cause difficulty in falling asleep and alterations of the sleep / wake cycle.

Melatonin and physical activity: although there are no direct and particularly important benefits, related to the use of melatonin in sports, some studies show:

  1. Improvement of hormonal secretion: in particular it seems that the administration of melatonin can optimize the secretion of GH in athletes subjected to resistance training;
  2. Antioxidant effect: along with other antioxidants, melatonin can guarantee greater protection of muscle tissue, and not only, from oxidative damage induced by intense physical activity;
  3. Strengthening of the immune defenses: melatonin could be particularly useful to avoid the decrease of the immune defenses, which follows intense training and which characterizes the overtraining syndrome;

To date there have been no particular improvements in performance or body composition following melatonin intake.

Recommended use by the company - Melatonin 3 Sublingual - Jamieson

Dissolve a plaque under the tongue before going to bed

Use in sports practice Melatonin 3 Sublingual - Jamieson

Given the pharmaceutical formulation proposed by the company, the only dosage that can be carried out in this case is that of 3 milligrams / day, despite the fact that recent experimental evidences have registered effects that can be superimposed on significantly lower dosages.

In this case, moreover, it is necessary to consider the greater bioavailability of the product (which skips the first-pass hepatic metabolism) and the more rapid absorption kinetics, which ensures that the plasma peak is realized immediately after its administration, suggesting its use before going to bed for a night's rest.

Synergy - Melatonin 3 Sublingual - Jamieson

Several studies seem to agree on the greater efficacy of synergy when taken together with zinc. A generalized improvement is obtained both on the strengthening of the immune defenses, on the antioxidant effect and on the metabolic aspect, improving insulin sensitivity.

Some studies show that in the case of prolonged intake of zinc and melatonin, integration with magnesium magnesium also becomes necessary.

The validity of the simultaneous administration of melatonin and vitamin B6, is still under observation, even if the first works show an improvement in the endogenous synthesis of this hormone, with an enhancement of the biological effects related above all to the modulation of the immune and hormonal activity .

Side effects Melatonin 3 Sublingual - Jamieson

Although recent studies have confirmed the high tolerability and safety of the active ingredient, there are cases in literature in which, even at a dose of 3 mg / day, nausea, irritability, nightmares and vascular changes have been observed.

Furthermore, acting as a mild hypnotic and sedative, melatonin may interfere with concentration. By enhancing the immune response, the substance could also worsen the condition of patients suffering from allergic or autoimmune diseases.

Precautions for use Melatonin 3 Sublingual - Jamieson

The product is contraindicated in cases of renal or hepatic disease, cardiovascular disease and / or hypertension, allergies and autoimmune diseases, during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, under 12 years and for adolescents not yet trained.

In the event of prolonged use (over 6/8 weeks), medical advice is required.

This article, elaborated on the critical re-reading of scientific articles, university texts and common practice, is for informational purposes only and is therefore not a medical prescription. It is therefore always necessary to consult your doctor, nutritionist or pharmacist before starting to use any kind of supplement . Further information on the critical analysis of Melatonin 3 Sublingual - Jamieson.


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