
Glossary of anthropometric codes


I tried doing DEXA to measure my body composition and see any improvements due to training.

But there are values ​​in English that I don't understand: FAT (ok, fat), BMC (bones) ... and then there's TISSUE and LEAN ... now ... which one I have to look to see if with training increases my muscle mass?


as you can see I have reported a glossary with all the terms and related descriptions. The most important to consider to monitor any changes in body composition are:

FM: percentage of total fat mass, including essential lipids.

FFM: lean or muscular mass.

LBM: o LEAN BODY MAX lean mass plus essential lipids or primary fat (about 4% in males and 8-12% in females).

If the percentage of FM drops, it means that you have lost weight and vice versa.

If FFM or LBM (LEAN) salt means that you have increased your muscle mass and vice versa.
