
Our calligraphy? It is an indication of our health.

Edited by Fabio Grossi

Similar topics: Graphology and Personal Trainer

The ever more advanced technology and above all the advent and diffusion of personal computers in every corner of the world have made sure that the pen is almost no longer used. Even in schools the "beautiful calligraphy" is disappearing, although this aspect represents a very valid means of expression of our personality and our humanity.

Literally calligraphy (from the Greek κάλος calòs , "beauty", and γραφία graphìa , "writing" - source: wikipedia ) is the art of ornamental writing and for this reason, in antiquity, it was widely treated in the cenacles of religious relevance, where it was possible to access art as a form of communication. In the West calligraphy is traced back to the Greek and Roman scribes and evolved in the Middle Ages with the creation of illuminated manuscripts . In the Far East, where symbols and ideograms are outlined, brushes and ink have always been used; here calligraphy (in Chinese, Shufa 書法, in Japanese Shodō 書 道, or "the way of writing" - source: wikipedia ) is considered an art of considerable importance, not to mention the most refined and sought after form of painting . In Arab countries, on the other hand, it assumes an "inspiration" purpose and calligraphic schools were and are part of the curriculum of theology students.

Writing therefore represents a universal means of communication and dealing with calligraphy today means putting the accent on the rules of beauty and harmony that calibrate the shape of the letters. In Italy, in particular, italics was born, that is, the script written along the right . This style instills a sense of great elegance, but also of greater confidentiality, and distances itself from the typical solemnity - for example - of the Roman capital . The Pontifical Chancellery at that time sent letters in this style to the various bishops, dignitaries and rulers, so much so as to become the real "royal" style. The Anglo-Saxons still today call the italic italics, precisely because it has always been characteristic of letters from Italy.

Evi Crotti and Alberto Magni are leading figures in the Italian and world graphology scene: Dr. Crotti, educational psychologist and journalist, runs a renowned school of graphology in Milan ( graphology is defined as the technique that aims to describe the characteristics of personality of an individual, through the interpretation of his spelling ); he also collaborates with various newspapers and magazines, devoting himself with ardent passion to writing and developmental psychology; Alberto Magni, a surgeon and psychotherapist, is a great connoisseur of physiognomy (the discipline that deduces the psychological and moral characteristics of a person starting from his physical appearance, in particular from the features and facial expressions - source: wikipedia), as well as one top experts in judicial calligraphic expertise.

The basic tool for the graphologist is the sign . There are really many, of signs, and often differ in definition and evaluation from one school to another. Graphology is certainly a humanistic science in continuous evolution just as the human being is in rapid and constant evolution; for this reason it is of fundamental importance that it dynamically updates both its own methodologies and interpretations so that they can be applied correctly to today's man.

Graphology and fitness ? Secondo Crotti and Magni yes: in their "Graphology and Health" (published by Red Milano, 2006) they underline that if the graphologist will be able to work alongside the doctor and collaborate with discretion, seriousness and competence, he will be able to develop an essential role not so much in the formulation of the diagnosis, how much in the description and in the deepening of the structure of the person, of the causes and causes of illness, of the process of formation of the symptomatology . Obviously, every graphological analysis cannot do without a complete analysis of the personality structure, so the actual application of the writing test must be performed by highly qualified personnel and absolutely cannot be improvised .

Still for Crotti and Magni a big advantage that graphology can offer is that it captures the difference between the various reactions and clinical situations . For example, he can distinguish anger from anxiety, insecurity from a basic weakness, a marked emotionalism from sensitivity, judgment from critics. In the same way, graphology is able to identify the personality prone to ulcers rather than eating disorders, personalities that will in turn be different from the one that will lead for example to suffer from cardiovascular disorders . It is no mystery that already Hippocrates in the fifth century BC had established the very close link between psyche and soma, as well as the reciprocal and continuous interaction between these two aspects of the human being; writing, in this context, is the integrated product of all the brain activity that constantly undergoes the influence of the psyche and is manifested by bringing with it all the messages received and then transferring them " calligraphically" onto the white sheet.

One thing is certain: the use of this interesting humanistic science proves indispensable in those contexts in which a thorough investigation of the personality, of the existing defense mechanisms, of the responses to stress and of the social maladjustment to which the contemporary man.