Category blood health

Bone marrow transplant: where to take hematopoietic stem cells?
blood health

Bone marrow transplant: where to take hematopoietic stem cells?

Bone marrow transplantation , also known as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation , is the medical procedure by which a damaged bone marrow is replaced with a healthy bone marrow , in order to restore normal blood cell production. It is a delicate, complex treatment that is only performed under certain conditions; among these, we note in particular: an optimal patient's state of health (in spite of the illness that afflicts him) and the impracticability (because ineffective) of any other alternative treatment

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blood health


Generality Myelofibrosis is a bone marrow disease. Particularly striking is haemopoietic stem cells, used for the production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The alteration of the haematopoietic function of the bone marrow results in a decline of mature cells in the blood, especially red blood cells; this determines the typical signs of the disease, among which the main ones are anemia and splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen); numerous other symptoms and, sometimes, serious complications can also arise
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blood health


Generality Myelosuppression is a medical condition characterized by reduced production of blood cells by the bone marrow. Also known as myelodepression or myelotoxicity, it is one of the most important side effects of chemotherapy treatments used to treat cancer. Not all of these drugs induce myelodepression and its extent depends - in addition to the type of drug - on the doses, on the methods of administration, on the patient's health and on the number of administrations previously performed
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blood health

Therapies for various types of Leukemia

Generality Acute leukemia tends to become severe rapidly and, therefore, must be treated as soon as possible. If left untreated, the disease is lethal. The therapeutic objective is to obtain the regression of leukemic cells (remission) and a normalization of blood values. Reaching these conditions is not always possible
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blood health

Bone Marrow Transplant

Generality Bone marrow transplantation , also called hematopoietic stem cell transplantation , is the therapeutic treatment with which a sick bone marrow is replaced with another healthy one, in order to restore normal blood cell production. The procedure is very complex and, in order for it to be carried out, it requires different conditions: among all of them, a good patient's state of health (in spite of the illness that afflicts him) and the impracticability of any other alternative intervention
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blood health

Trombolysis of A.Griguolo

Generality Thrombolysis is the pharmacological treatment that allows dissolving a thrombus or an embolus, present in an artery or in a vein. Implemented by specialized medical figures, thrombolysis involves the administration of particular drugs, called fibrinolytics (or thrombolytics), and an X-ray instrumentation to observe the outcome
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blood health

Fanconi Anemia Symptoms

Definition Fanconi anemia is a hereditary form of aplastic anemia, that is, a clinical syndrome that is expressed with a picture of global hypoaplasia of the three major proliferative marrow supply chains (from which result white blood cells, erythrocytes and platelets). This results in peripheral pancytopenia (deficiency of all types of blood cells)
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blood health

Symptoms Anemia

Related articles: Anemia Definition Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells in the blood falls below the norm. The symptoms of anemia are mainly due to the reduced availability of oxygen in the tissues, since red blood cells are essential for the transport of this gas in the circulatory stream
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blood health

Symptoms of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia

Definition Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is a blood disorder characterized by the presence of abnormal antibodies directed against red blood cells; these immune cells bind to the red blood cell membrane, reducing their survival and causing their premature destruction by hemolysis. This form of hemolytic anemia of immune origin recognizes various causes
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blood health

Symptoms Hemolytic Anemia

Related articles: Hemolytic Anemia Definition Hemolytic anemias are a group of haematological diseases characterized by a shortening of the average life of red blood cells in the circulation (this usually coincides about 120 days) and their premature destruction by extra-and / or intravascular hemolysis
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blood health

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Symptoms

Definition Disseminated intravascular coagulation (CID) is a syndrome characterized by an abnormal activation of the blood coagulation process, capable of causing an uncontrolled generation of thrombin and fibrin in the circulating blood. This condition is secondary to various disease states, including sepsis, obstetric complications (such as abruptio placentae, retention of products of conception and embolism of amniotic fluid), haematological malignancies (including acute leukemias and lymphomas), liver diseases (eg fulminant hepatitis ) and extensive tissue damage (burns, hyperthermia, crush
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