Category health

Insomnia and emotional disorders

Insomnia and emotional disorders

insomnia Insomnia is one of the most complex issues with a subjective perception: if in fact a person perceives a certain state of insomnia , from a different subject the same condition can be felt as absolutely normal. Before analyzing in depth what the causes of insomnia may be, it is necessary to define the phenomenon opposed to it: sleep

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Elastic stockings

Generality Graduated compression stockings represent one of the most widely used remedies in all those cases in which the return of venous blood to the heart is reduced (venous insufficiency); this is the case, for example, of varicose veins. In other circumstances, elastic stockings can be used for preventive purposes, as in the case in which we want to prevent the formation of thrombus, for example, in patients bedridden after surgery
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Definition of gangrene Gangrene (or gangrene) is a pathological condition characterized by the literal massive putrefaction of one or more body tissues. This is a terribly worrying clinical urgency because - due to the lack of blood flow - the gangrenous tissue inevitably dies (tissue necrosis). Often, due to insufficient blood supply, the gangrene-affected tissue is then rapidly invaded by bacteria
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Cancer: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is gangrene We talk about gangrene to indicate the death of a tissue or the decomposition of a part of the body following a blockage / lack of blood flow. The causes of gangrene are multiple and must be sought mainly in ischemia (due to embolisms or thrombi), bacterial infections, freezing or structural changes of veins and arteries induced by pathologies such as diabetes or atherosclerosis
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Anamnestic Certificate: What is it? What is needed and how is obtained by I.Randi

Introduction The medical history certificate is a particular type of medical certificate containing information on an individual's psycho-physical state of health. The medical history certificate must be issued in all the cases provided for by the law for which it is necessary to determine whether the subject has particular pathologies or physiological conditions that could hinder or influence the performance of activities of various types (for example, driving or use of weapons)
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Tarlov cyst

Generality Tarlov cysts - also known as perineural cysts - are cystic lesions containing cerebrospinal fluid, which form at the level of the spine, particularly in the sacral area. Very often, Tarlov cysts are asymptomatic and are detected almost by accident during other diagnostic tests. As an indication, it is estimated that the incidence of Tarlov cysts in the adult population is 5%, but of this percentage, only 1% has the symptomatic form
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Disinfection Wounds - How to Disinfect

Generality The disinfection of wounds is a very important tool to prevent potentially pathogenic micro-organisms from entering the body, causing damage, sometimes even very serious. The skin, in fact, works as a real barrier against these pathogenic microorganisms, but if it is damaged and damaged, then its protective action is lost, exposing the individual to the risk of contracting infections of various types
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Drug Dependence, Drugs and Substances

Definition In the medical field, addiction is used to indicate a particular condition in which an individual suffering from the absolute need to assume a certain substance - such as, for example, drugs or narcotic substances - or to adopt certain behaviors, as happens, for example, in the case of gambling addiction
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Lower Belly Pains of I.Randi

Generality Lower abdominal pain is a symptom of various physiological and, sometimes, pathological conditions. Often arising from gynecological causes, lower abdominal pains seem to be more prevalent in women. Nevertheless, in the presence of certain diseases, the symptom may also occur in male patients
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Definition of ectopia "Ectopia" is a term taken from medical language, which expresses the location of an organ or tissue in a wrong location. The etymological analysis of the term further clarifies the concept: the word ectopia derives from the Greek ἔκτοπος ( éktopos ): the root ek - means "outside", while the ending - tòpos "place". The lite
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Eutiroidismo of I.Randi

Generality The term euthyroidism refers to a condition in which the levels of thyroid hormones are normal . The condition of euthyroidism subsists when the thyroid is functioning properly producing adequate amounts of hormones; or when the gland in question does not function properly, but the normal physiological levels of thyroid hormones are reached and maintained by pharmacological treatments or surgery
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