Category sweets



Aspic: what is it? The aspic is a preparation that involves the use of gelatin. There are sweet and savory ones; the former are used as desserts, while savory aspics are appetizers or dishes. The aspic is a preformed food, whose appearance is defined by the structure of the container used. The fundamental concept for its production is that the liquids present inside the aspic (abundant, consisting of water, milk, broth, juice etc
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Coconut biscuits

Generality With the wording coconut biscuits we mean all the desserts of dry confectionery produced with the pulp of fresh fruit or its derivatives (coconut flour, coconut milk, coconut oil). Generally cooked, coconut biscuits can be simple (only three ingredients) or characterized by a far more complex formula
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Cocoa Biscuits - Nutritional Characteristics

Generality Cocoa biscuits are dry pastry desserts. Let's start by pointing out that cocoa biscuits and chocolate biscuits (covered or with pieces in the dough) have completely different recipes. The main characteristic of these sweets is that they contain cocoa in the dough; depending on the recipe, cocoa may or may not replace part of the flour
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Milk biscuits

Generality Milk biscuits are typical English sweet foods, which belong to the dry pastry group. They are characterized by their high milk content and are mainly used as food to be soaked or as sweet snacks. Milk biscuits should not be confused with "Rich Tea", instead they are mainly used as a dry tea pastry
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Shortbread Biscuits

Generality Shortbread biscuits are sweet and dry pastry foods. They have an independent gastronomic purpose; represent a typical product of secondary meals (snacks) and Italian breakfast. They often accompany drinks like tea, milk or juices. They contain about three parts of flour, two parts of butter, one part of sugar and two yolks for every 2 kilograms of dough; to the basic ingredients you can also add characteristic elements such as: lemon peel, vanilla, fine salt, cocoa, etc
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Cantucci or Cantuccini - Biscuits

Generality Cantucci - also known as cantuccini or biscotti of Prato - are traditional dry sweets, typical of the province of Prato (Tuscany). In Umbria and Lazio they are called by the nickname " tozzetti ". Cantucci have a very important characteristic that distinguishes them from most biscuits, that of undergoing two heat treatments in the oven
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Generality Caramel is a sweet cooking preparation whose basic ingredient corresponds to the only energetic nutrient: sucrose (or table sugar, if you prefer). This simple glucose, or rather this disaccharide, is a molecule composed of glucose and fructose in equal quantities; from this it can be deduced that in the formulation of caramel, in addition to sucrose, it is also possible to use monosaccharides: pure glucose (monosaccharide) and / or pure fructose (monosaccharide)
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Candied citron

Generality Candied citron is a sweet food, used as an ingredient for various desserts. In the common language one also speaks of citron . It is a fruit-based product and falls into the categories of cooked and preserved foods. Candied citron contains a considerable percentage of sugar (sucrose), added to the detriment of water, which is extracted by osmosis
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Chiacchiere: Recipe, Nutritional Properties and Use in the Diet by R.Borgacci

What are What are the chatter? That of chiacchiere is a typical Italian carnival recipe that enjoys the recognition of Traditional Agri-food Product (PAT). Considered by many as exclusively bells, they are actually so ancient that it is impossible to establish a precise origin. The historical findings date back to the Roman Empire, which would explain: the presence of numerous synonyms (crostoli or grostoi, lies, cenci, fiocchetti, galani, intrigoni, wonders, texts of Turks, frappe or frappole or sfrappole) the spread of many local variations of the recipe the use of the same name in regions th
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White chocolate

Generality White chocolate is a sweet food obtained by processing ingredients such as cocoa butter, sucrose and cow's milk or its derivatives (mainly powdered milk). White chocolate has a very pale color and a consistency similar to that of milk chocolate, from which it is distinguished by the absence of cocoa powder
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