Category toxicity and toxicology

Dibromoethane: effects on health
toxicity and toxicology

Dibromoethane: effects on health

Remaining on the subject of xenobiotic metabolism, we now go on to illustrate the metabolism of a compound used in agriculture as an insecticide fumigant, in chemical industries for the production of dyes and in pharmaceutical industries. The compound taken under observation is DIBROMOETHANE . This compound is metabolized by conjugation with glutathione

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toxicity and toxicology

Poison Ivy

What is that Poison ivy - also known as the ivy of Canada - is a plant belonging to the Anacardiaceae family, a native of North America but also common in Asia and Europe. Poison ivy - whose scientific name is Toxicodendron radicans (synonym: Rhus toxicodendron ) - is known for its toxicity, which is manifested by simple contact with the skin
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toxicity and toxicology


Generality The term "ergotism" is used to indicate a particular type of intoxication caused by excessive (intentional or accidental) consumption of alkaloids deriving from the sclerotium of the fungus Claviceps purpurea (also known as ergot). These alkaloids can be taken either as medicines, or through the consumption of rye and flours contaminated by sclerotia from the aforementioned fungus (when rye is contaminated by Claviceps purpurea , it is called ergot )
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toxicity and toxicology

Carbon Monoxide Intoxication

Generality Carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication is one of the most common causes of death from inhalation poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs subtly; in fact, this gas is colorless and odorless; furthermore, the symptoms manifested by intoxicated individuals are rather non-specific and generic. If not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, carbon monoxide poisoning has tragic implications, such as coma and death
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toxicity and toxicology


Definition of saturnism Saturnism indicates a serious organic and metallic lead intoxication, a poisoning in all respects triggered by the continuous and assiduous exposure of the subject to this mineral. Saturnism is caused by contact, inhalation or absorption of lead through the mucous membranes, the skin or the gastro-enteric apparatus
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toxicity and toxicology

STX - Saxitoxin

Saxitoxin: what is it? Paralyzing bivalve poison is the least known expression that indicates STX, or saxitoxin : it is a powerful water-soluble marine toxin, synthesized by microscopic algae - known as dinoflagellates - belonging to the Alexandrium genus, in particular Alexandrium tamarense , Alexandrium minutum (present in the Adriatic), and Gymnodinium catenatum
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toxicity and toxicology

Apple Seeds

Toxicity of apple seeds Despite the well-known saying " an apple a day keeps the doctor away ", few are aware that the ingestion of large amounts of apple seeds can cause the death of the subject. These seeds, in fact, are rich in amygdalin (or vitamin B17), an extremely toxic glycosidic compound when subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis: in fact, following a hydrolytic chemical reaction, the amygdalin releases cyanidric acid, whose ingestion can cause intoxication and poisoning of varying degrees, based on the amount ingested
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toxicity and toxicology

I.Randi Caustic Soda

Generality Caustic soda - or sodium hydroxide - is a highly basic substance used in many areas. Caustic soda is commercially available in solid form, but also in the form of solutions at different concentrations. It is a reagent widely exploited both at industrial and domestic level, as it is widely used in research laboratories of various types (chemical laboratories, chemical-pharmaceutical laboratories, etc
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toxicity and toxicology

Tetrodoptoxin in short

Scroll down the page to read the summary table on tetradotoxin (TTX) TTX Tetrodotoxin also known as tetrodox, is a very powerful neurotoxin synthesized from puffer fish and some newts, small polyps, angel fishes, Atelopus toads, starfish, cod and some bacterial and viral species TTX: year of its discovery 1909: TTX was first isolated from a Japanese scientist 1964: study of the mechanism of action of TTX TTX and Japan In Japanese restaurants, puffer fish is a treat
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toxicity and toxicology

Ciguatera and ciguatoxin

Ciguatera is a food poisoning caused by the consumption of fish products containing ciguatoxin . Ciguatoxin is produced by various dinoflagellates (microscopic algae), in particular from Gambierdiscus toxicus ; these algae are the food of herbivorous fish of tropical coral reefs, which in turn constitute the food of predatory fish
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toxicity and toxicology

Are raw eggplants toxic?

Eggplants belong to the family of the solanaceae, which includes many edible and other poisonous species. Among the most used solanaceae for human nutrition we find tomatoes, peppers and chillies, the aforementioned aubergines and potatoes. As for the poisonous solanaceae, the toxicity depends on the presence of psychoactive alkaloids, among which the best known is solanine
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