eye health

Even the eyes have their own language

The gaze is one of the most important means of communication : it can express love, hate, jealousy, curiosity and fear, even better than words. Moreover, it is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul .

A person's eye movements can also provide some insight into what this is thinking or remembering:

- The person who looks at the top left tries to remember something that happened in the past, a landscape or a face, while if he looks at the top right he is using his imagination to imagine something (it happens, for example, when we lie).

- If a person turns his gaze horizontally to the left he is trying to remember sounds (eg a sentence spoken by someone, the words of a song etc.), while when he looks to the right a creative process is in progress (eg composing a music).

- A person who looks down to the left speaks to himself or tries to understand or memorize something, while if he looks down to the right he is bringing back emotions or sensations.