Category allergies

Symptoms Respiratory allergies

Symptoms Respiratory allergies

Definition Respiratory allergies are reactions triggered by allergens that come into contact with the body through the breathed air, causing disturbances mainly in the respiratory system. We distinguish seasonal allergic forms, which appear only at certain times of the year, and chronic forms, caused by perennial allergens with which we can come into contact on a daily basis

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What is atopy? The term "atopy" comes from the Greek word ατοπία, whose literal meaning is " reaction that causes a bizarre and eccentric disease" . By atopy, in fact, we mean the subject's predisposition to manifest anaphylactic reactions determined by contact, ingestion or inhalation of a given antigen (allergen). Atop
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Hornet sting by I.Randi

Generality The hornet sting is rather painful and, in sensitive and predisposed subjects, can lead to unpleasant, sometimes severe, consequences. The risk of incurring a hornet sting is higher during the warm months. With the arrival of summer, in fact, increases the desire to spend time outdoors and surrounded by nature; on the other hand, it also increases the risk of hitting the bites of various insects, such as mosquitoes, horseflies, bees, wasps and hornets
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Allergic Cough by I.Randi

Generality Allergic cough is a particular form of cough that occurs in patients with allergic airway diseases . More specifically, allergic cough is a symptom of these diseases. Difficult to eliminate and, sometimes, even to diagnose, this symptom can cause considerable discomfort to patients who suffer from it
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FRISTAMIN ® - Loratadina

FRISTAMIN ® is a Loratadine based drug THERAPEUTIC GROUP: Antihistamine - antagonist H1 IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects Indications FRISTAMIN ® - Loratadina FRISTAMIN ® is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of IgE-mediated diseases such as allergic rhinitis and chronic idiopathic urticaria. M
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mast cells

Generality Mast cells , or mast cells , are immune cells of variable form, in some cases round or oval, in others branched. Inside the mast cells, in the cytoplasm, there are granules rich in heparin and histamine. Due to the presence of these granules, the mast cells also fall into the category of cells called polymorphic nucleated granulocytes , together with eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils
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Henna tattoos and allergic reaction

Henna is a natural color used in hair dyes , which gives a reddish tinge to the hair. Women in the Middle Eastern areas use it to decorate hands and feet. The henna tattoo is not permanent and has a variable duration from two weeks to a month, as the pigment is weakly bound to the stratum corneum of the skin
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Argan Oil Allergy

Argan oil can also be responsible for an anaphylactic type reaction. It is documented in the journal "Allergy" and more precisely in the volume 65, chapter 5 and pag. 662-663, released in May 2010. Li, the following is quoted: "We present the first documented case of argan allergy. A 34-year-old Moroccan man, with no history of allergies, complained of rhinitis and conjunctivitis manifested by the immediate aromatic perception of argan oil
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Nettle Sting: Treatments

Contact with nettle causes a transient dermatological reaction to itching, burning and mild paresthesia. The drugs used against this reaction, called anti-itching, are generally in the form of an ointment and contain antihistamines or hydrocortisone; these confer a rather rapid relief from the typical symptoms of nettle urtication
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Remedies for Latex Allergy

Latex allergy is an exaggerated and sudden reaction of the immune system in response to some proteins contained in natural rubber latex. By recognizing the proteins of latex as substances foreign to the body and potentially dangerous, the immune army triggers an adverse and violent reaction against them
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Remedies for Bee Sting

The bee sting causes the transmission of a poisonous agent (toxins etc.) from the insect to the human body. The sting causes burning, pain and swelling; furthermore, only in subjects that show specific hypersensitivity, is it responsible for an allergic reaction. In cases without hypersensitivity, the lesion tends to completely disappear in one or two days
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