Category bowel health

Hemorrhoid ointment
bowel health

Hemorrhoid ointment

Introduction Hemorrhoid ointments are pharmaceutical formulations suitable for application at the anal and / or rectal level, indicated - depending on the case and the active ingredients used - for the local treatment of internal or external hemorrhoids. More precisely... When we speak of "hemorrhoids" we refer (even if improperly) to a particular pathological condition - more correctly defined as " haemorrhoidal disease " - in which we observe an excessive dilation of the hemorrhoidal blood vessels

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bowel health

Remedies for Anal Itching

Anal itching is an unpleasant pseudo-pathological condition in which the more or less urgent need to scratch is perceived. Anal itching is often due to morbid-irritative processes localized around the anal orifice, such as candidiasis, anal dermatitis, hemorrhoids, anal fistulas, gonorrhea, oxyuriasis and anal fissures
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bowel health

Remedies for anal fissures

Anal fissures are small lesions that affect the mucosa of the homonymous orifice. They cause much discomfort and pain; they often bleed, particularly during the act of evacuating hard stools. A typical sign of anal fissures is the presence of live blood in toilet paper. Constipation, diarrhea and poor personal hygiene are the most important causative factors of anal fissures
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bowel health

Remedies for Constipation

Constipation or constipation is defined as a symptom characterized by an alteration in fecal consistency and evacuation frequency. Constipation causes: Reduction of defecation (<2 week) Hard feces (also goat or ribbon) Sense of incomplete emptying and constipation Difficulty, pain and slowness during expulsion
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bowel health

Abdominal adherences

Generality Abdominal adhesions are bands of fibrous-cicatricial tissue, which glue abnormally normally disjoint parts of the same organ of the abdomen or two distinct organs / tissues of the abdomen located in close contact with each other. Like the adhesions that affect other regions of the human body, abdominal adhesions are a result of repair mechanisms that can be set in motion by tissue lesions of a surgical intervention, a particular infection, a strong blunt trauma, a severe inflammatory condition or exposure to ionizing radiation
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bowel health

Alvo and Alvo Disorders

What is alvo? The term "alvo" indicates the intestinal canal as a whole and the function of defecation . Therefore, the alterations of various nature that affect the patient can occur with irregularities and changes in the frequency or quality of the evacuation. Often, these imbalances are due to changes in eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle and stressful situations, but they can also represent the first symptoms of more important pathologies, as happens, for example, in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases
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bowel health


What is appendicitis? Appendicitis is an inflammatory disease affecting a small diverticulum, called the vermiform appendix, which starts from the initial tract of the large intestine. This slender intestinal extension, about ten centimeters long with an average diameter of 6 mm, does not seem to have any function in humans; despite this, when it is hit by an inflammatory process, the appendix can endanger the health of the whole organism, as all those who have had to have it removed with an urgency will know
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bowel health

CA 15-3: Tumor Antigen 15-3

Generality CA 15-3 (acronym for Cancer Antigen 15-3 ) is a protein, used as a tumor marker for breast cancer . CA 15-3 is normally produced by breast cells; this protein, therefore, does NOT cause malignancy, but increases following its development. The examination of CA 15-3 is carried out on a small sample of venous blood, taken from a vein of the forearm as in any other blood test; unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, it is not necessary to follow special rules for approaching the exam
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bowel health

Opaque enema

What is opaque enema The barium enema is a radiological examination of the large intestine (colon, sigma and rectum). In order to make this region visible, it is necessary to introduce a suitable contrast agent via the anus through the rectum. The patient, for his part, must carefully respect some indications both during the examination and in the three days preceding it
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bowel health


What is an enema? The enema - also called enema - is a procedure by which liquid solutions, usually medicated, are introduced into the rectum and colon, using a small tube introduced into the anus. There are different types, each with a specific purpose. Types of Enema Laxative enemas Enemas with lukewarm water (500-1000 cc), in which purgative substances (eg glycerine) have been dissolved, are recommended for their evacuating action in the presence of constipation (enema evacuating)
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bowel health

Virtual colonoscopy

Generality Virtual colonoscopy is a relatively young diagnostic technique, which is a valid alternative to the traditional colonoscopic examination. Advantages Established in 1994, virtual colonoscopy allows non-invasive internal colon walls to be studied , saving the patient the trouble and embarrassment associated with the traditional procedure; it is also not necessary to use sedatives and painkillers, the duration of the exam is lower and immediate discharge, with the possibility of driving and resuming normal daily activities as soon as possible
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