Category dried fruit

What part of the nuts has health benefits?
dried fruit

What part of the nuts has health benefits?

It is a fact that nut consumption is related to a reduction in cardiovascular risk. This is due to the presence of good fats, vitamins, phenolic antioxidants, fibers, etc. However, if it is known "which molecules" are responsible for the improvement of health status, it is not always completely clear "which component" of the edible portion of these seeds brings the phytotherapeutic and nutraceutical value of nuts

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dried fruit

Brazilian nuts

Generality Brazilian (or Brazilian) nuts are the edible seeds produced by the Bertholletia excelsa tree. Tree of Brazilian Nuts - Bertholletia excelsa The botanical family of this plant (Lecythidaceae) is part of the order Ericales, the same as: cranberries, bilberries, sapote, gutta-percha, tea, gooseberry, phlox and khaki
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dried fruit

Pistachios by Bronte by R.Borgacci

What are What are Bronte Pistachios? The Pistachios of Bronte - or green pistachios from Bronte, friars in dialect - are edible oily seeds produced from a botanical species (fratuscara in dialect) native to Asia Minor. The "original" pistachio tree was then differentiated into numerous varieties grown in different parts of the world with arid or semi-desert climate
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dried fruit

Tannins: antioxidants or carcinogens?

Nocino is a typical drink rich in tannins. These molecules that, as already amply demonstrated, play a rather relevant antioxidant function, have for some years been considered "desirable" for human nutrition. However, even in this case there is a "downside". Tannins are in fact responsible for the chelation (chemical bond) of certain nutrients within the human digestive tract, with an inhibiting effect on the absorption itself
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dried fruit

What do pine nuts have to do with bitter mouths?

It is called cacogeusia , in this case metallogeusia (metallic and bitter), the unpleasant taste sensation. It is often associated with psychological-psychiatric disorders and should not be confused (until proven otherwise) with the classic "bitter mouth" of digestive disorders (biliary lithiasis, hiatal hernia, gastritis, reflux, gastric tumor, peptic ulcer, etc
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dried fruit

Almonds Bitter Against Cancer: Is It Possible?

As many already know, bitter almonds contain a certain amount of amygdalin, a cyanogenetic compound that is activated thanks to the intestinal bacterial flora. Some researchers, as documented in the old publication of 1982 " A clinical trial of amygdalin (Laetrile) in the treatment of human cancer ", have highlighted the interaction between amygdalin (in the form of a drug called Laetrile) and 178 subjects affected by cancer pathology
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dried fruit

Walnuts look like small brains: will it be a coincidence?

Referring to the ironic quote by James Joseph, a well-known American university professor, it seems that walnuts ( Juglas regia ) have an extraordinary potential on conservation and, why not, on optimizing intellectual functions. These statements are related to some scientific works, one of which (alas, carried out on rats and not on humans), highlighted several noteworthy properties
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dried fruit

Almond flour for breakfast: Is it better than whole almonds?

Almond flour is a product used as an ingredient in many pastry recipes. On the other hand, what many people do not know is that the use of almonds is related to an improvement of certain metabolic parameters or even to the optimization of the gastric satiety pulse. Does the resulting flour have the same beneficial effects
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dried fruit

Do Almonds Lower Cholesterol?

We often hear about the miraculous effects of nuts on lipemia ... and other dried fruit? It seems that, in fact, most of the oil seeds cause a significant improvement to the blood lipid profile of those who, alas, suffer from dyslipidemia. Obviously, even in the case of almonds, the beneficial is maximized by replacing the saturated fats in the diet with the beneficial ones of the dried fruit, perhaps being careful not to create an excess of energy and, even better, trying to reduce a possible overweight by means of a correct physical activity
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dried fruit

Nuts: Production and Storage

In recent years, world production of nuts has increased rapidly, with a greater increase on the Asian continent. Data referring to the production year 2010. In total, a harvest amount of 2.55 million tons of nuts was reached; China took first place with 1.06 million tons. The other nut producers, in decreasing order, were: Iran, United States, Turkey, Ukraine, Mexico, Romania, India, France and Chile
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Walnut husk and ink

Walnut ink is an ink produced with the green skin that surrounds the seed; usually, the fruit of the species black walnut or black walnut, botanically classified as Juglans nigra, is used . The ink can be liquid or crystallized and must be mixed with water before use; it is used to paint, speckle and darken the paper, in order to obtain a "vintage" effect
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