Category training techniques

Eclectic training
training techniques

Eclectic training

Edited by: Francesco Currò In setting up a training it is often necessary to take into account two needs: that of the multilaterality of the stimuli and that of the progression of the load. However, it often happens that these needs are opposed because of the specificity of the adaptation: how many of you - for example - will have noticed that you have lost "resistance" after a cycle of force?

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training techniques

Training of speed in childhood and adolescence

By Fabrizio Felici Speed ​​is a complex of abilities, extraordinarily varied and complex, which manifests itself in completely different ways in various sports. Speed ​​is not only the ability to run quickly, but also plays an important role in acyclic movements (jumps, throws), and in other cyclical movements (speed ice skating, cycling sprint). The mo
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training techniques

Number of repetitions and muscular hypertrophy

By Fabrizio Felici The common advice on the ideal number of repetitions per series given to athletes is that a low number of repetitions is the best to increase muscle mass and strength while a high number of repetitions promotes muscle duration and can increase definition. Years ago studies carried out by US Navy researchers showed that a higher number of repetitions created a greater stimulus for the growth of larger muscle groups, such as the thighs and the back
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training techniques

Training in Rest Pause

By Dr. Luca Franzon Let's go with this article to go into high-intensity methods, trying to understand what an intense workout really is. With this article of mine I want to make it clear that excellent results can be obtained in terms of hypertrophy, even with natural training, if done intelligently and if supported by adequate nutrition and adequate recovery time between sessions
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training techniques

Heavy Duty cards

Edited by Ivan Mercolini Heavy Duty cards structured by Ivan Mercolini I come to the point now. I'm going to draw up some example cards I designed. In the supersets, have the foresight to prepare / load the disks on the instrumentation of the second exercise first, so as not to waste time (otherwise what would the superseries be
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training techniques

Variable series

The use of variable series is recommended to "surprise" the muscles during a period of stalemate, to increase the intensity of the training and to give variety to our workouts; as these are high intensity techniques, they must obviously be used in moderation, so as to avoid paying too high a price for the infamous super training
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training techniques

SDT: Single Density training - variations on the classical method

Edited by Alessandro De Vettor Density is a training parameter that is often overlooked, if not completely applied in the gym, but that can provide a fundamental contribution to hypertrophic development. The Density Training was conceived and developed a few years ago by leading fitness exponents, one above all the well-known athletic trainer Charles Staley , with his EDT
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training techniques

Training secrets for increasing muscle mass

Edited by Stefano Del Picchia Introduction The method for increasing the muscle mass that we are about to explain is simple, but very effective, and will allow great progress to be made in half or even a third of the time that is normally used for this purpose. It is based on the fact that it erases the great confusion that exists on the subject of muscular hypertrophy
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training techniques

Shock training

By Dr. Antonio Parolisi A training surplus for "lazy muscles" Training a muscle too often can strain it. This data is widely distributed in the literature and there are many studies on this that confirm this thesis. Mine is a slightly provocative question: what if we could train that muscle every day, and then give it a rest and then retrain it
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training techniques

Strength training: squat and leg extension

by Alessandro Stranieri Published on n. 30 of HiTech Volleyball - September 2004 In sport the forms in which the capacity for strength is manifested are multiple and different. Jumping, throwing, running, are all terms commonly used by athletes of different disciplines, but few of them would think of the gestures mentioned as a particular expression of strength
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