Category veterinary medicine

Dog vaccination
veterinary medicine

Dog vaccination

Recommended vaccinations Vaccinations performed in dogs are for the following diseases: Distemper : also called " Carrè disease ", it is caused by a virus belonging to the genus Morbillivirus . The subjects most affected are mainly young animals, which show symptoms such as fever, sensory depression (of the sensitive functions), laryngitis and tracheitis (inflammation of the larynx and trachea), cough and sometimes bronchopneumonia.

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veterinary medicine

How much grass does a cow eat each day?

The amount of fodder necessary to satisfy the nutritional needs of a cow depends on various factors, first of all the weight of the animal and its physiological situation (for example if it is a cow that breastfeeds, if it lives in the wild, etc.). The quality of the same forage is also very important, understood both as the type of herbs and grains that compose it, and as its residual humidity (% of dry substance)
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veterinary medicine

Flatulence? Beware of explosions!

In January 2014, a curious incident occurred in a German bovine herd, where an apparently inexplicable explosion was generated, reached the headlines. The reason for this explosion? Once again the methane released by the cows during digestion. In fact, this gas probably saturated the environment before releasing its explosive potential due to an electrostatic discharge generated by a machine
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veterinary medicine

Pampering on the stomach: do dogs suffer from tickling?

Dog lovers will have noticed several times that the gesture of caressing the animal's belly in some points triggers a rapid movement of the legs in it, as if the dog fell prey to a strong itch with an irresistible need to scratch. The reasons for this singular behavior are to be found in the so-called scratch reflection (which in English means precisely scratching)
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veterinary medicine

Marine animals: which are the most dangerous in the Mediterranean?

In the Mediterranean Sea, the main marine animals that can cause problems are jellyfish , sea ​​urchins and some fish (spider fish or trollus and redfish). A close encounter with these marine organisms produces various effects, as different are the harmful substances and the defense techniques activated when they encounter a potential aggressor (sting, contact, etc.).
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veterinary medicine

What to do in case of a tick bite?

In case of contact with a tick , it is good to extract it as soon as possible, preferably by contacting a doctor who can remove the parasite without crushing it . Eliminating ticks, in fact, is a very delicate process: you have to grab the parasite with thin tweezers and give a slight rotational movement to detach it
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veterinary medicine

Why do we feel itching when a mosquito is pricked?

Mosquitoes , while pricking their prey, enter an anticoagulant substance that allows them to suck blood more easily. If they did not inject it, after the penetration of the sting, they would not be able to secure a good blood meal. It is precisely this anticoagulant substance , together with the insect's saliva , which causes discomfort and irritation
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veterinary medicine

What to do if you get stung by a jellyfish

In the event of a close encounter with the stinging tentacles of a jellyfish : Do not use fresh water : it could activate the nematocysts left on the skin (stinging structures that jellyfish use to defend themselves), favoring the release of the irritating substances they contain. No even to ice. To rinse the affected part, only sea water should be used, in order to dilute the toxin not yet penetrated
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veterinary medicine

Does the chick breathe inside the egg?

Many wonder how a chick can breathe from inside the egg. The answer is quite intuitive: the "secret" in fact lies in the shell, whose walls are covered with tiny pores that act as real air intakes. Through these micro-cracks the chick is able to take in the necessary oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide
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