Category cardiovascular diseases

Risks of carotid angioplasty with stenting
cardiovascular diseases

Risks of carotid angioplasty with stenting

Carotid angioplasty with stenting is a non-surgical medical procedure, whereby vascular surgeons "release" the occluded or severely restricted carotid arteries. This dangerous pathological condition - which in medical language is defined as obstructive disease of the carotid arteries - is a possible consequence of atherosclerosis and may be the basis of episodes of ischemic stroke or TIA ( transient ischemic attack )

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cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases: how to stay active even at work

Cardiovascular diseases , or diseases that target the heart and blood vessels (arteries and veins), are the leading cause of death in the world's most industrialized countries . To play a decisive role on their onset, it is certainly the scarce (if not entirely absent) physical exercise , where for physical exercise is also meant a simple walk of several tens of minutes
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cardiovascular diseases

Infarct symptoms in women

While the symptoms of male infarction are well impressed in the common imagination, few know that infarct signals are often thinner in women. In films, for example, the infarcted fall to the floor panting in the throes of a strong chest pain. In fact, the feeling of tightness and chest tightness (as if a boulder weighed on the chest or as if this were squeezed in a vise) represents the most common symptom of infarction, in both sexes, but in reality the symptoms of infarction they can also be quite nuanced
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cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases and regular exercise

One of the main modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases is poor (if not completely absent) physical exercise . The reasons that drive people to a sedentary lifestyle are different. According to a US site, www.heart-org, 17% of users would not have time to do regular physical activity , those famous 30 minutes a day that you often hear about
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cardiovascular diseases

Some numbers on cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are a group of diseases affecting the heart and / or blood vessels. In fact, the term "cardio" refers to the heart and the term "vascular" to the arterial and venous vessels present in the body. Generally related to atherosclerosis - that is to the phenomena of narrowing, obstruction or dilation (aneurysm) of blood vessels - cardiovascular diseases represent the main cause of death in the most industrialized countries of the world
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cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases: the "revenge" of saturated fats

In recent decades, excessive consumption of cholesterol and even more saturated fat has been identified as one of the main cardiovascular risk factors, so much so that today there is a widespread consensus in the scientific community on the need to limit their dietary intake, within a maximum about 200mg daily for cholesterol and 10% of total calories for saturated fats
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cardiovascular diseases

Varicose Veins Remedies

Watch the video X Watch the video on youtube Varicose veins (or simply varices ) are pathological dilations of the veins. It is a disorder that prefers lower limbs, although it may also occur in other areas. Always elongated and evident, the varicose veins assume a characteristic tortuous course, constituting a real aesthetic discomfort for many women
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cardiovascular diseases

Intermittent claudication

What's this ? Claudicatio intermittens is the term that doctors attribute to a pain, usually described as muscle cramp, which typically affects the calf, getting worse with exercise and relieving with rest. The patient thus assumes an intermittent gait, with forced pauses to calm the pain. Causes Most often, intermittent claudiacation is the typical manifestation of peripheral occlusive arterial disease
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cardiovascular diseases


Biological Role As the term suggests, endothelins are a family of peptides secreted by endothelial cells. Their action is vasoconstrictor and markedly hypertensive. Physiology of Endothelium Overall, endothelial cells form the innermost lining of blood vessels, thus representing the contact element between blood and arterial wall
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