Category football

The stages of football learning

The stages of football learning

The first stage of football learning starts only around 5/6 years, that is when the future football player is accompanied to one of the many football schools in the area. To learn the sporting discipline in the best possible way (that is, in a stimulating and amusing way) it is necessary to satisfy the needs of the child and act according to the age and the degree of psycho-physical maturation of the subject

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Analysis with tests of a summer athletic preparation

By Dr. Davide Sganzerla 25th TRAINING - WEDNESDAY AUGUST 10 (morning) 10 '- Core Stability; 35 '- Tactical Warming 10 colors 5 steps of 5' alternating 2 'of joint mobility and stretching; 12 '- Possession of 10vs10 ball with goals; 12 '- Possession 10vs10 ball with goal on goal without defenders; 12 '- Possession of 10vs10 ball with goal on goal with 2/3 defenders; 20 '- Aerobic power 4'fc90% rec 3 ' 6 '(1'cc70% + 1'fc90%) rec 3'; 6 '(1'cc70% + 1'fc90%); 10 '- Stretching-Draining column
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Spring training

The last team in the youth sector is the " spring " category, where the age limit is twenty, but a player from the first team (out of quota) can also take part in recovering from injuries and regaining the race pace. The spring category is played by young people who are now mature for the first team and have a professional perspective; the teams that take part in this championship are companies that play with each other through a national championship, with the prospect of maturing some good elements
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Football: lineout

The lineout is used when the ball passes, with all its circumference, the side line of the field. The ball must be thrown with the hands (both at the same time) not beyond the limit of the center of one's head, with both feet on the ground and out of the line of the field. The ball can be thrown from a standstill or with a run-up
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Tactics in the game of football

The tactic can be both collective and individual. Collective tactics: it is a coordinated action between two or more players, aimed at achieving a previously determined purpose. Individual tactics: these are all the devices and movements by which our performance is useful and economical. The tactic must be performed autonomously by each player in the game
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History of football

Ancient Japan with kemari and ancient China with tsu-chu boast the most remote precedents of football (local traditions speak of a thousand years before Christ, but other sources place the tsu-chu much further back, around 2600 BC). Common to the two sports was the use of feet, the presence of a rudimentary "door" (defined by two trees or bamboo poles) and the use of a ball
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Football Technique

The football technique is the set of movements with or without the ball that are implemented during a game, in which the first objective is the possession of the ball, the second the defense and the reconquest of the ball. The basic technique is composed of 6 fundamentals: 1) domain of the ball 2) kick of the ball 3) guide the ball 4) reception (stop) 5) header 6) throw-in Individual or applied technical tactics is the practical application of the basic technique with the aim of performing useful and effective movement in the contingent moment
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Technique in the game of football

Edited by Valentino Cristofalo Real Madrid, a name that arouses emotion. A winning, powerful, rich club. A long list of trophies on the bulletin board, national and international successes. A stadium, the Santiago Bernabeu , temple of international football. The whole world recognizes the greatness of the whites of Madrid
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Psychokinetic in Calcium

By Dr. Davide Sganzerla Psychokinetics or Psychodynamics is the science that studies the relationships between psychic facts and space; in simpler terms, Psychokinetics studies what brings together reasoning (psycho) and movement (Chinese). Psychokinetics and its exercises, therefore, go to train the athlete's ability to perform and change a behavior - movement as soon as possible based on external stimuli (visual, sound and tactile) that arise
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